Chapter 58

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A/N.. You all are lucky I am in a writing mood for this book today for me to update three times. Also sorry for any mistakes too. I'm not perfect at writing, but I'm here to entertain you all. I should be a movie writer

1:00 A.M
Alina Rivers POV

My mom told me that my dad had left with Brynn earlier, and he still hasn't come home yet. I really miss Iman, and being in her arms. My doorbell rang, so I got up to unlock it.

"Watch out baby girl." My dad said carrying Iman in.

"Oh my god is she okay?" I asked. Five more people came into my house wearing all black carrying two duffle bags.

"Daxx check her out, those bruises look a bit bad," Brynn said.

"Tell me what's going on." I demanded.

"Iman, was in terrible condition when I first saw her. Damien did a number on her and almost sold her off to some Italian couple. I believe that was the language they were speaking in." my dad said.


2:00 A.M

"Alright, Alina, this is what you have to do now for Iman to a point. We all know you are pregnant so one of us will check up on her. If you have a personal doctor, try to have them also check on her as well. Now, Iman is missing two molars on the right side, so in like a month or so, she needs to go to a dentist. Secondly, she has infected cuts, which is being treated now, but make sure she takes the antibiotics, and clean the cuts too. She will be in a lot of pain because of the bruising on her ribs and legs, I suggest taking these pain pills, but use these wisely. If you don't want to give her these then have her smoke weed instead. Something strong though. No solids for a while, and make her walk around too. Other than that she is on bed rest." The guy name Daxx said.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked him.

"I studied in the medical field, and some of my family members work and own hospitals. More than likely I will be checking up on her." He said.

"Thank you, thank you all for getting her back," I said sitting next to Iman as she is sleeping in the bed.

"No problem. Remember what he said, and if you need anything here's my number." Brynn gave me a business card. "Have a nice morning I guess, it's really late or early. See ya Keith, oh let me know if you are going to the house too."

The five left leaving me, and my dad. Iman is bandaged up and heavily medicated.

"What happened there?" I asked my dad.

"So much baby girl, so much." He sat on the bench in our room. He just smiled and chuckled a bit. "Iman saved you, she really did. Damien was targeting you this whole time. You were going to be in the same position Iman used to be in. If you didn't buy Iman, he would have sold you too. Damien has done this to 15 other people. You saved her and she saved you. I knew something was off with him, and now I know."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, he confessed to Brynn because he is afraid to die. He is alive now, but not for long. Brynn is taking him out, along with everyone that is involved in this ring. I just wanted Iman to be safe, and you to be safe also. I don't know what happened in those seven days Alina, but be patient with Iman. She told me she lost all hope there, and just... became delirious. She must have been talking crazy to Damien to be this badly beaten. Iman is a well behaved, mannered person, but I think this broke her. I've seen some shit today, and I thought the things only happened in action movies. Damien is a sick person, and there will be no blood on my hands with him. Not with anybody that was there today. Take care of Iman, and yourself. I never really cared for anyone you used to date before, but Iman... she is different. I love seeing you this happy around her, and with her. She must be really special for you to get pregnant, and not know each other for a year. What, you trying to trap her?"

I just laughed along with him, "Maybe, but she doesn't mind it at all. You know I am her first love."

"I might be high off my ass, but I'm not deaf." Iman groaned.

"Take it easy there." My dad said.

Iman laid her head on my lap, and I just started playing in her hair.

"My babies." My dad got up and smiled. "Get some sleep you two." He got up and walked out of the door.

"Hey, baby." I said lowly.

"Hello, Ms. Rivers." She weakly smiled. "How are you feeling? How are my babies doing?"

"I'm better, now that you are here, and they are going good. Our son and daughter are both healthy." Iman smiled grew bigger.

"We're having a boy and a girl." she gently placed her hand on my stomach. "So Sayir Nova and Samir Ivan?"

"Yep." I said. She sat up a bit, and placed a kiss on my stomach, then kissed me.

"I love you so much, Alina. One of these days I am marrying you." She told me.

"I love you more, and I am holding you to it. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else, but you"

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