Chapter 50

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Same day and time as last chapter

Iman Martial

After Keith slammed the hood shut, and more than likely yelled at Donald he left. Donald looked over at me and started walking my way. I got nervous because I know that Donald doesn't like the fact that I am with Alina. Once he came really close, I stepped out of my car then leaned against it.

"What is your deal? Things were great until you came here." He somewhat yelled at me.

"My deal, what's yours. You won't even try to talk to me like a civilized person. You are standing here accusing me of messing up whatever you had planned or whatnot. Just so you know, whatever Damien told you about my past, it is true. So let me tell you about me then." It took me at least 30 minutes to tell him about myself. The entire time I was telling him, he didn't say anything else to me.

"So now you know about my past. If you really think I am using her, you are damn near mental. I am lucky for her to even take notice of me. It has been almost one year since I have been treated like a normal person. One year, since your sister had bought me and changed my life. I expected her to use me as the other two women did. Granted I fucked a lot of women, but the majority of them were forced. I had no choice in life. Your sister practically saved my life and made it so much better than it was. So maybe next time before you start to hate somebody for no reason, get to know them."

10:30 P.M.
Alina's Home

After I showered, Alina was already in bed reading something.

"What are you reading?" I asked her about getting into bed.

"Erotica," she said.

"So a book that is mostly about sex, alright then," I said laying down on my back. She closed the book, placed it on her nightstand, then laid her head on my chest.

"So my dad called earlier today, and said that Donald came by."

"Yeah, I believe that must of had an argument as to how it looked to me. Then Donald came over to me and asked me what's my deal in I guess ruining something he had planned." I felt her rubbing my stomach, then held me tight.

" So what did you say?"

"I told him about my life. By the look on his face, he was shook as the new generation says." I laughed.

"Please don't ever say that again. Your spending to much time with Dinah now."She sat up and looked at me.

"Yeah, yeah. After that, he didn't say anything else to me. I just got in my car and drove away. I parked somewhere and started drawing. Remembering all of that just made me want to draw something. I haven't finished it, but it took me some hours though. For the past couple of hours, I just wanted to paint a bunch of dark things. "

"Well baby, art is an expression. Maybe you could express the feelings from back then, and put them in painting or drawing."

"I am so glad that I have in my life, and I can't wait for our babies too," I said placing my hand on her growing stomach.

Donald Rivers POV

I thought about what Iman said all day. At first, I thought it was sad that she had to make up a story like that to even get with my sister, but now I know it's really not. I thought that Damien really had a chance with her, but I guess not.

As I'm in my house drinking on a glass of whiskey, Damien calls.

"Hey, so I know what I could do to make Alina leave Iman alone," he said.

I sighed knowing I egged this on, "Look, Damien, don't. Just let my sister be happy with Iman. Alina is having my nieces or nephews man. I don't want anything to stress her out."

"Fuck you mean Donald!" I moved the phone away from my ear as he yelled.

"Drop it, is what I'm saying!"

He chuckled darkly, "So now you all on the Iman train too huh. I was close to being with Alina. So close, until she came into our life. I know the way to get her out, and everything will be normal again. I don't give a damn about those babies at all."

"Damien I sw..." he hung up the phone.

I fucked up badly, and it's not even my life I'm ruining.

A/N... Don't hold me to this, but I'm going to try to update a bit more this weekend. I have thought of some stuff, and put some things in writing already. The only reason why I'm saying this is because outside of writing for you alls entertainment, I go to school too.

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