Chapter 28

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Iman Martial POV

Everywhere. First my art show, now here. They are like roaches or ants. I don't know if I have the ability to even hear what they have to say.

"What is there to talk about Nathan. Any apology you have or muster up to say, I don't accept it." I said.

"Iman listen, I know what we did was wrong..." I cut my mom off

"it was more than wrong. Are you proud of yourselves? Ten little thousand dollars for my life. Do you know how it was to have to fuck somebody 30 years older than you? You all don't know how fucked up it was. Not only that, but passed around like a damn football. 5 almost 6 years I had to live this life of being a fuck toy to somebody. I couldn't live my life. Everything I worked for and earned all gone because of you. So what if I was born with a dick, but you all just raw dogged me like I was some type of bitch. The only people who gave me some what of a good child hood is your own parents and Dinah." I said then I turned my attention to Nathan.

"Some type of father you are. You want to bring in the bible all the time for everything that I did. Alina if you didn't know I got beaten almost everyday for little things. If I forgot to wash dishes, or take out the trash, or even fucking not folding his underwear a certain way I was beaten. You all forced me to live in conditions that are meant for prisoners, not family." Then I looked over to my two older siblings.

"You two are trash you like Nathan and Linda. I looked up to you two, but I don't. What have I done to you all to deserve they way you all treated me. I'm not your daughter anymore. I never was to begin with because you gave me nothing. I shouldn't have hate in my heart for my own parents and siblings, but yet I do. I have night terrors or nightmares because you all. I have blackouts because of you all. It's hard to look at myself in the mirror because I see everything that has happened to me. Are you fucking happy? I'm completely broken, I don't know how to live a normal life. None of you would last a day in my shoes, not even a minute."

I went over to the couch and sat down shaking my head.

"My owner before Alina was sick. She used to make little cuts on my body and laugh. There was times I did lose a lot of blood. I would pass out and shocked to wake up. I had a to get a blood transfusion because of how much I lost. One day after I passed out her initials what sliced into my skin. It's gone now, but I still feel it. " I stared at the wall. "The only family I have is my grandparents, and Dinah. You four are dead to me. Your own child..."

"Iman I am so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen to you." Linda came over to me, got on her knees and cried.

"Your tears don't mean shit to me Linda. You apply don't mean a damn thing. You can feel sorry or be sorry all you want, but it wont change how I feel. You had a choice to not even think about selling me. You had a choice to not treat me the way you did, but you did it." I said coldly.

Alina walked over to me and grabbed my hand. She pulled me toward the kitchen and sat me down.

"I know you are hurt, but hear what they have to say."

"What's the point Alina. The only person in there showing some type of emotion is Linda." I said.

"Do it for me please?" she asked me. I nodded my head and went back into the living room.

"Listen Iman, I know you hate me, but it already done. After we sold you it changed Dinah, and everyone. I realized my mistakes, but I cant change the my beliefs. How you are born is wrong." He kept talking and talking until I couldn't hear a word he said. I just got up and punch him in his face. "What was the for?"

"Nathan you deserved that, and much more." Pawpaw said.

"You know what I'm glad I did it. I'm glad you almost died. I'm glad they did those things to you. You are nothing. I'm ashamed that you have my last name or even my DNA." Nathan yelled. I always knew he felt that way. It doesn't bother me now that I am older.

Alina Rivers POV

I couldn't believe my ears. I'm overly disgusted by him. Iman when over to him and started choking him. Bryan and Daniel tried to pull Iman off of Nathan, but it didn't work. Iman is really determined to not let him go.

"Iman let him go." I said. She didn't listen, but tighten her grip. Nathan face went red and his eyes started rolling back. "Iman let him go now!"

She dropped him, and he fell to the ground with a thud. Bryan and Alexis went to Nathan's aid.

"I suggest you all live our house. You have done enough damage to her life. I refuse to let you all back into her life, when you all basically kicked her out. Iman sweetie you are a special individual and deserve more than what you have." Vivian said.

It crazy how they all act like that. I see Linda is the only one feeling bad for what she did, but the other three doesn't even have a sign of emotion. Iman said everything that she probably wanted to say, and I guess she is over it. Bryan and Alexis helped Nathan out of the house while Linda stayed back. She went over to Iman and tried to hug her. Iman just looked at her and pushed her back.

"Just because you feel bad doesn't mean you can just come back into my life. It wont be that easy." Iman said. just how her voice is, Iman is over the whole situation. I don't think she would ever forgive them, or even talk to them again.

Linda left, and the tension in the house left along with her. I don't know what is going on in Iman's head, but I hope she got out everything she wanted to say to them.

A/N... should I skip to where Iman is leave Alina?

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