Chapter 9

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December 27
6:15 AM

Alina Rivers POV

I woke up to so much movement going on in the bed. The high I had from last night is still there. Iman is just tossing and turning, saying words or phrases. She is sweating and twitching.

"Calm down baby it's just me." I caressed her face.

"" she mumbled.

In a quick movement she is on top of me with her hands around my throat.

"Iman, wake up." Her grip on me got tighter. I tried to pry her hands off of my neck, but she has a good grip.

"Iman." I started gasping for air until Iman finally opened her eyes.

She let got, but her hands kept shaking. I rub my neck, and just breathed heavy. Iman fell to the floor still shaking in disbelief of what she just done. I tried to touch her, but she instantly  moved away. She got up and headed straight out the door.

"Iman come here it's okay." She picked up her pace and headed to her room.

I heard the door slam, so I quickly got out of bed and headed to her room. Before I even got to the door I heard glass break, then water being turned on. I twisted the door handle, and Iman had locked the door.

"Iman please open the door." I said. I didn't get any replied from her.

"Iman come on please, you're scaring me. Please just open the door." I pleaded to her.

After a while I decided to break the lock. I remember my dad showing me how to get into bedrooms if I locked myself out, which has happened a few times. Once I got into the room, the bathroom door is closed and there was no water running anymore. I opened the door slowly and saw glass on the floor. Then I opened the door even wider and saw Iman still shaking in the tub with blood in it.

"Iman no." Tears instantly went down my face seeing her. I ignored the glass on the floor and went straight to her.

There is steam coming off from the water and her emotionless in there. I went in the cabinet and grabbed the first aid kit. I didn't care that there is blood in the tub, I got inside and hugged her. Right then and there she instantly broke down. She held on to me like I was going to float away. I don't know what caused her to act this way. She was fine one minute, then she completely breaks down the next.

"Iman, look at me I'm okay. It's just me." I said to her. Her eyes are puffy and red. She looks like she haven't slept in a long time, but I know for a fact she gets enough rest as she can. I gently grabbed her arms and saw cuts in them. "Come on let me get you cleaned up."

Iman wouldn't stop shaking. I sat her on the stood, then started to tend to the cuts. Once I put gauze and a ace bandage around it, I finally seen what she has done. She broke the mirror, and used a chunk of glass on her.

"Talk to me Iman." I said. I didn't want to come out to harsh to her.

"I'm sorry. I... I t-thought you w-were my dad, a-and t-those other people." she stuttered.

"Tell me everything when you are ready okay.  I don't want to pressure you at all okay." I ran my fingers through her dark ginger hair. It like a dark burned orange. I find it so different for a person like her. She is a very unique person. "Stay right here, I'm going to go get a broom okay." She nodded her head.

I left her in the bathroom, going down stairs kind of quickly to get the broom and dustpan. I got back upstairs and saw her just rocking back and forth. I swept up the glass and put it in this large bin.

"I'm sorry Ms. Rivers. I'll understand if you send me back." She said her head down. I went over to her and gave me a kiss with all the passion I can muster up.

"I'm not going to send you back to that hell hole. Whatever you are going through in your head, we are going to go through it together. No matter how long it takes, I'm going to be right here by your side." My hands are still on her cheeks. Iman has her hands around my waist.

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