Chapter 25

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"Iman it's not your fault. I should be the one that's sorry." Dinah pulled her up from the ground.

Damien is standing away from eye sight hearing all that Iman said. He is stunned at the truth that Iman told. He felt sick to his stomach over how a family could do that to their child.

"I'm sorry for intruding on this I believe private conversation, but that is some fucked up shit." Damien said walking towards them.

"So now you know." Iman pulled herself together. "So what, now what are you going to say huh. Every time I see you, you have this smug ass smile on your face. So now you know my life now what."

"I don't mean no harm. I do apologize for my actions, I honestly thought you were no good."

"Just damaged beyond repair. Don't worry I'll be out you hair in a little while. Dinah are you doing anything later?" Iman asked her sister.

"Well we was but fuck them, I rather spend time with you. It's so much I have to tell you." Iman couldn't help but smile. Even though she feel happiness with Alina, this felt better to her. Dinah is really the reason she stayed in that house for that long until the dreadful day.

Alina smiles at how she have somebody in her family to love. Justus pokes his head out the entrance, and motioned his hand for Iman to some in. Alina watched Iman place her left arm around Dinah.

"That's somewhat disrespectful of you eavesdropping on something that is serious." Alina said to Damien.

"So she is a sex slave? Charity work huh." Damien laughed.

"Are you truly serious! You practically watch her break down, and expressed everything that has been bottled up for years out. How you go from being apologetic and sincere to this? This is why we never actually made it official Damien. Your fucking immature. That's some serious shit she went through."

"So what Alina. The shit is done, obviously she is okay, the shit is probably not even happening anymore. Now we could get back to us and trying to make it work."

"No, this here will never work Damien. I'm disgusted by you okay. What ever you thought that we had is gone now." Alina walked away from Damien.

All of Iman's paintings sold for in total 1 million dollars. Iman is shocked that it did well as it did. There is a lot of photographers in the place that took picture and record everything inside. Iman's family is still there and Dinah cling to Iman's side. Justus handed Iman the checks that she now earned from her paintings. She did a few interviews with some famous artists that could possibly want her to do some artwork for them. In fact Iman is invited to an exclusive art gallery in New York a couple of months for now.

Iman Martial POV

I'm overwhelmed by all the support other artists are giving me. I can't believe that I am invited to an exclusive art gallery. I don't know much about what is going to happened or the details of it, but this is amazing. Dinah stayed by my side the entire time I walked around meeting new people. Some of them thought she was my girlfriend, but I had to let them know that she is my sister. After I did leave with Dinah coming back into here, my family just kept looking at us. I don't think I would want to talk to them, but there is somethings I want to know.

"I'm proud of you sis, this is something you always wanted." I guess Dinah remembered me always wanted to become an artist growing up. Even with the situation I was in, she believed in me.

"Thanks, that means a lot. I want to ask, is our grandparents on both sides are still alive?" I asked.

"Yes, you know they will not go without a fight." She laughed. "They miss you. They always asked me where you was, and I didn't know. We were all so worried about you."

"I know, but now I'm here so don't worry anymore. Maybe after this I could have Alina take us to their houses." I happily said. I cant wait to see the looks on their faces.

"They all live together actually. Pawpaw kept mentioning it, and they finally did it." I knew it would happen one day. I felt someone wrapped their arms around my waist and laid their head on my back. I look down and saw Alina arms around me.

"Alina, my paintings sold for a million dollars. Also I was invited to a art gallery in New York a couple of month from now." I grabbed onto her hand and gently guided her to be in front of me.

"Congruatlions." She pulled me down for a kiss.

"Do you mind if we go see my grandparents?" I asked her.

"I don't care. It's your day today."

"Dinah you come with us. I don't know where they live, and I would rather spend some time with you before I confront them." Dinah nodded, then grabbed my hand pulling me out to the entrance.

I looked back at Alina, and she has this smile on her face. I took my hand out of Dinah's signaling her to relax. Justus came up to me with my checks I've earned.

"Hey can you keep the last one for me for a little bit. I have some things to do." I asked him.

"No problem, Alina has my number. Just tell her to give me a call, and I'll take it back to you guys home. I'm very proud of you Iman, today is a big success for you. Don't let that talent go to waste now." He patted my shoulder.

"I won't. Never again." I said.

Alina intertwined our fingers and we walked out of the place. While on our way out, there was a lot of people trying to stop me to have a conversation, but I politely declined. Dinah is already outside waiting for us, and so is my family.

"Iman can we just talk." Linda said. I can't even call her mom right now.

"No, maybe later. I have other things to do." I said. "Come on Dinah the car is this way."

"Dinah you can not leave with her." My sperm donor Nathan said.

"Watch me." Dinah simply said walking with us towards Alina's car. I saw Nathan about to grab her, but I pushed him away. He just looked at me and smiled. I would do something, but I will not do it here. This will not ruin the happiness I have right now. I heard a honk and see Alina and Dinah in the car.

"We will talk tonight, and that's finally. After that stay out of my life or just continue they way you already are. All of you... Just stay the hell away after today." I said getting into the car. Alina pulled off possibly heading to my grandparent house. I just leaned my head back sighing because I've went through so many emotions all in a short little of time. I rather be around the ones who love and cares for me, than people who don't.

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