Chapter 71

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Same day

Alina Rivers POV

I can't believe she actually did this. The ring is so beautiful and I know it is expensive too. First, buying her, then slowly falling in love with her, had her kids, and we are going to get married. Iman is really everything I hope to find in a person. It's just how we met isn't ideal.

"Stop crying beautiful, I've been wanting to do this for so long. I couldn't let another year without you being mine or my wife. Just you being girlfriend wasn't enough or satsifying for me, I need something more and meaningful. So the next step is this. Even though I don't have much experience in dating different women and everything, I know for a fact that you are all that I want." Iman said. "I just have to settle for fiance for now until we actually set a date."

All of this is overwhelming but in a good way. I love how Iman treats me, and really everything she does. She spoils our children and is the best father figure, I guess if that's what she wants to be called, to our kids. Even though I have dated a couple of different men, and a few women before, Iman is the best out of all of them.

"How much is this ring?" I asked her.

"Don't worry about the price and everything, just know the wedding ring is going to be better than this." I have a feeling that I did cost a lot by the size of this diamond, and the ones around it.

"What do you mean better than this. I love this, and will love anything you give me. I wouldn't care if it's a ring from a quarter machine. I will happily marry you. I can't see myself being with or marrying anyone else but you." Iman stood up and dusted her knee off. This moment is so unreal. She remembers the time and everything. Iman literally planned this whole day out for us.

"Soo future Mrs. Martial, would you like to get out of her and potentially make baby number 3?" I swear she spends to much time with her siblings, John and Karla. They have corrupted my baby.

"Like I always say, your siblings have corrupted you." I said standing up putting on my coat.

"They have, but you have corrupted my heart with so much love, I don't think I could go back to how I was before."

(Okay so how I'm using the word corrupted is in like an altered version from the original. I had to make sure I was using the word in the way I wanted to use it.) -Aj

Iman pulled her wallet out and placed some money on the table. "Yes they have, but don't worry I'm still somewhat of the same person you met. The only difference is that I am enjoying my life for the first time, and is comfortable in my environment. I still have my dad jokes and everything. Still polite, well mannered, and somewhat well behaved."

These past two years, Iman has done a 180 in her personality. She is all-loving and goofy like nothing bad has happened to her. Maybe this is the side that her grandparents have always seen. Just so carefree, and happy all the time.

(Sorry guys, but I'm not writing any sex scenes because of the book coming to an end) -Aj

Two days later December 5

Iman Martial POV

Everything is so perfect. For the past two day's she has been showing off the ring. Hopefully, we didn't make baby number 3, but I wouldn't mind having another child though.

"I love you." Alina said coming up to me as our almost 7-month-old twins crawling towards us

"I love you too." I kissed her on the lips. Samir came over to me, pulling himself up by my pajama pants for him to stand, and started poking his lips out. "Aww you want a kiss to fat man."

I picked him up and kissed him, then Sayir came over to Alina.

"You spoil them too much." Alina said picking up Sayir. " We are not using walkers for them though. Don't get me wrong it could be good for them to know to learn how to walk, but I think they would be better off without it."

"I mean they are already trying to do it on their own. That's fine by me, but knowing my grandparents, and your family they already have one for them. Plus, I don't spoil my kids that much baby, but I do, look at them."

Alina shook her head while placing Sayir on her lap. Sayir played with her fingers until she saw her toys over by Samir and crawled to him.

"So are they coming with us to the art show tonight?" Alina asked me while giving some fruit to Sayir and Samir. They both ate their small pieces of banana without making a mess... finally.

"No, because for one with that large painting I started a while back, I'm going to shed a lot of light on it, and I don't want anything to happen to them. I rather have our kids safe than my own safety. Which is why I have Brynn doing the security detail too. Viv and Pops are going to watch the twins. Cyn and Pawpaw are coming to the show though. Dinah, Alexis, and Bryan are coming too, plus John and Karla. In a little while, Justus is coming over so that I can get the paintings in the truck, and set them up for tonight." I said. "I'm nervous because there is no telling who all the people are coming. All those art critics you introduced are inviting people of their own."

The more I thought about it, the more concern I became. The only thing I can think about it the rules. If I continue with this, I can be putting myself in a dangerous position. Is it worth being put back in that position again over art this time? All I can do is hope Brynn is very good at what she does.

"Baby don't think too hard over it, please. Nothing is going to happen to you." Alina said. I hope she is right because I don't know how I would act without my family.

8:30 A.M.

"Nope, put that cologne down." Alina said coming into the bathroom.

I was going to spray her favorite cologne on me. I get a lot of compliments from random women sometimes. Well, a lot of women. Alina doesn't like the attention women give me. "Why baby."

"Uh, uh, art show or not you are nothing going out there looking like you just didn't propose to me." she came over to me and button my shirt all the way up. I cut my hair short but it's messy curly.

(This is what Iman's hair looks like but a bit longer than this)

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(This is what Iman's hair looks like but a bit longer than this)

I smiled at her as she gave me a bit of an attitude.

"I only have eyes for one woman, and I'm going to marry her whenever she sets a date. At the end of the night, I'm leaving with you and putting it down on you afterward." I kissed her. Alina's red lipstick rubbed off on my lips a little bit. "This my color too."

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