Chapter 19

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February 15
11:54 A.M

Iman Martial POV

I groaned moving around in bed. My head is killing me, and I feel like absolute crap. I heard something being open, and light just shined through the curtains.

"You okay, Iman?" I hear Alina say. The bed dipped, and I felt her hand go through  my hair. I just groaned in my response, not wanting to do anything right now. "Come on get up. There is some pain pills on the nightstand and a bottle of water too. I have some things for you today. Last night wasn't planned like that at all."

"I bet. I didn't think I would see them, well my mom ever again. She had the nerve to say that she missed me." I sat up taking the pills and just stretching. " Ten stupid thousand dollars. I guess that's how much I was worth to her."

"Iman" Alina cupped my face in her hands, "You are a priceless individual. I don't want to be peace maker, but you haven't expressed yourself much to your family. Don't you want to know the reason why they did this? Maybe with this I could reunite you with your grandparents. Maybe this type of life you have could end soon, and I mean real soon. I don't want to be this owner figure to you. You don't deserve to be owned, nobody does to honestly."

"I don't know if I want to see them again. I'm going to shower." I got out the bed and headed to the shower.

Alina Rivers POV

I let out a sigh, then walked out of her room. All I wanted last night was just to have a fun, and relaxing night. I thought about what her mother said to Iman, and just wondering why do she want to even talk to Iman now. I went downstairs into the living room, going to my mink coat I had last night and pulled out the piece of paper she gave me. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. It rang two times until someone answered.

"Hello." I believe her mother said.

"Is this Iman's mother I spoke to last night." There was a lot of noise in the background, then it got quite.

"Yes! Yes it's, my name is Linda. Does Iman want to talk to me?" I don't know why she would ask that after what happened last night.

"No, I don't think she is ready to even face you. I mean she stormed out yesterday, then ended up walking in the fu-the snow to a bar. I just want to know the entire story because you have a child that just want to feel loved. The first people a child can love and hate is their parents. I just can't wrap my head around the whole thing. What has Iman done to you or your family for you to treat her the way you all did?"


"Rivers." I said.

"Yes, Ms. Rivers, Iman hasn't done anything. Iman is born differently has you may know, and I didn't know how to react. None of my other children are like they way she is, and I didn't know how to handle it. My husband, James, just saw it differently. God doesn't make mistakes and she is a big one. I-." I had to cut her off because now it's getting ridiculous.

"Alright I'm going to stop you right there. I will not tolerate this disrespect to her whether you say it over the phone or in person. You want me to even give you a chance to talk to Iman, yet this is already how you act. Why did you sell her off to a woman that could have been your mothers age?"

"We needed the money."

"You have four children. Two older ones, and a young one. So you are telling me you can give birth to four children, but you would give you third child, Iman, hell for something that she didn't want or ask for. If you couldn't afford four children you shouldn't of opened your damn legs. That is a pathetic excuse to sell your own flesh and blood. Iman, a high school grad who had full ride scholarships lined up, but yet this is what you and your husband did. Then you want to put God into this. At this moment you had 5 years to either find Iman or even try." I didn't want to yell, but this lady is really pissing me off.

"I know it sounds wrong, but that's what happened. My own parents don't even talk to me over a decade now." If I were her parents, I wouldn't either.

"Not my problem nor Iman's. She is the victim of all of this, not you or your family. It is up to Iman if she even want to talk to you, let alone the family." I had to calm down because I wanted to really curse her out, "I would have to talk to her about it, and see what she say later."

With that I hung up because I didn't need to continue to talk to her. I sat back on the couch, upset about the entire encounter with Iman's mom. I don't understand how you can sell your child, then try to get them back into your life after you already treated the like shit. Iman came downstairs in gray joggers and a black t-shirt. I felt her flopped down right next to me.

"What wrong?" Iman wrapped her arms around me.

"I spoke to your mom. She really does want to I guess make up with you, but then she started to talk about God and what not." I rolled my eyes.

Iman just laughed and shook her head. "Yeah they do that a lot. To a point, that is how the justify their actions. Try not to think about it too much because you won't get anything out of it. Over the years I learned to just not even deal with it, things are better that way. Anyway, what did you have planned today?"

I looked up at her, and she has a smile on her face. I am really going to miss it when I do let her go. Might as well have fun now while I can with her.

A/N... Should I change Alina's age to like 25 instead of keeping it 27?

I only asked because of how I know how I want to end off the book, and I'm not giving out the details of why and how.

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