Chapter 61

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A/n ....  Is there such thing as a side nigga application because I'm bout to apply I'm bored as hell. Somewhat tempted to just put my number on here.

May 12
4:45 A.M
The Martial Residence

Iman Martial POV

I woke up to the feeling of Alina damn near smacking me in my sleep.

"Iman, I swear if you don't wake up now, I will rip your dick off." I heard Alina yell.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked her groggily waking up.

"Your fucking children, my water broke ten minutes ago" Yikes.

That immediately woke me up and I threw on a hoodie as I already have sweats on.

"Okay, let's get you to the hospital." I don't know hat I would want to deal with right now. A hormonal unbalanced woman that can at any moment grin superman strength. Or Pennywise... I'll take Pennywise for 400 Alex.

"Iman move your ass!" Lord, please don't let her cast out a demon. I went through enough in my 23 years of living.

We got into the car I bought before the babies are born. Driving a little bit over the speed limit, we got pulled over. This made Alina even more agitated than she already is. The cop took his sweet time walking up to my side of the car.

"Where are you going this fast at this time of hour?" he asked me.

"Well you see..." "Look here, my water just fucking broke, I have to give birth to twins, and if you thin for a second that I give a shit about your fucking traffic laws."

I looked at the cop, and he didn't say anything. He tapped the top of my car, and gave me a thumbs up.

"Drive safe." I'm so glad he understood were I'm coming from with this. Alina's anger while pregnant is somewhat scary, and I have been through some messed up things. The last time I did something, and Alina didn't like it, some plates, and cups were chucked at me.


5:57 A.M.

"Iman, I swear to God." She said going through a contraction, "If anyone laugh, or fucking snicker, you will get thrown the fuck out."

Dinah sent me a gif that I really wanted to laugh at.

Dinah sent me a gif that I really wanted to laugh at

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"Dinah, get the hell out

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"Dinah, get the hell out." Alina said.

"What I do?"

"You fucking did something because Iman is about to laugh." I looked away trying to hide the smile because it is so relatable to the situation at hand. Dinah is a bad influence on me because I finally can live my life the way I dreamed of.

Karla took Dinah out of the room, while I'm trying to stay in the room. Dinah texted me saying that Alina is very mean while she is pregnant. Hopefully, our future children won't make her like this. I texted back that it is very true, but to keep the jokes for after Sayir and Samir are born. Alina started going through another contraction as the doctor came in to check if she is dilated enough for her to actually start pushing.


7:15 A.M.

"Keep pushing Alina." The doctor said.

"I'm fucking pushing asshole!" she yelled. Alina have a tight grip on my right hand.

"You got this baby." I said softly. I don't want to get yelled at right now.

"Fuck your stubborn ass kids wont come out." She said to me.

After a few more pushes, and clam[[ed down on my hand.

"Your doing great we see the head." The doctor said. I look over, and almost fainted. I went back to my position next to Alina, and continued to say some soothing things if it working for her.

Two more pushes later a baby comes out. "It's a girl. Just one more Ms. Rivers."

Alina didn't push yet, but how she started gripping my hand our baby boy is impatient. Alina started pushing again, then a 3 minutes later Samir comes out. I'm relieved that my babies came out finally, and I wont have to deal with Alina's mood swings for a while.

I cut both umbilical cords, and the nurses cleaned, and weighed out babies.

"You did it Alina." I said as I leaned down and kissed her.

The nurses gave me Sayir, and gave Samir to Alina. I immediately had a wave of emotions rush through me. I felt proud, happy, and relieved that my kids are healthy and alive.

"Samir has your nose baby." Alina said,

"So does Sayir."

"You guys have a beautiful family now." Dr. Sims said.

"Thank you." Alina said.

I'm able to sit next to Alina as Samir opened his eyes.

"Oh my god, baby look." I looked down at Samir, and he has the same colored eyes as I do.

"He is going to be a heartbreaker." After he opened his eyes, Sayir was right behind him. Her eyes are the same color too.

"Do you think Sayir would have the same condition like you?" Alina asked me.

I thought about it, and I'm the only one in my entire family, I think, that has this. "I don't know, she might, but only time can tell. I was born with mine, but there is no telling that it might just grow I guess. Either way, I would still love her."

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