Chapter 60

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May 10

In the past five months, Iman is all healed up, and Alina is almost ready to give birth to their twins. During those five months, they decided to buy a house together. Alina loved her house, but she took in consideration of what Iman wanted. They both split the cost of the brand new house. The house is pretty big, but they might have a big family in the long run.

Iman has experienced all the symptoms of a pregnant woman. Let just say, there will not be any more babies no time soon after the twins. All the early mornings of having to buy weird combinations for Alina to eat.

Meanwhile, Damien is dead. How he died was very... intense.

December 23
Brynn "Hermes"

Keith came by here a few days ago, but he didn't do anything. I was there, then watching everything. Damien practically saying that he was sorry for what he tried and was doing to Iman and Alina. To me, he is only sorry because the entire plan fell apart. His jealousy of Iman overpowered his real mission. Iman is a great person for what I have experienced. Maybe a little twisted, but I wouldn't blame her for what she has been through.

Now that today is his last day of living, I wonder what he will say now. As I made my way downstairs I heard him crying.

"And why are you crying. You weren't crying when you took Iman and beat her pretty badly." I took my coat off, then rolled up my sleeves.

Damien's lip is busted, and a few cuts on his face. Both of his legs are broken in places that are unimaginable. Not only that, this is some of my best handy work.

"Please just end it all." He begged.

"Now what is the fun in that. Listen, Damien, how much money were you going to get for Alina or Iman."

"Alina would be 50 million, and Iman is known so she would have been 2 million to 45, it all depends on who wants her. The couple was going to buy her for 30. The husband really wanted to her though." That's a lot of money for one person each. Their lives are priceless, and it is downright disgraceful that he would put a price on them.

"How much in total for all 15 people you have sold?" I asked him.

"At least 100 million."

"And that wasn't enough. People like you are what's wrong with not only this country but the world in general. Greed." I pulled out a case that I have brought with me.

Once I pulled on out Damien's eyes practically bugged out.

"Are those real?"

"Are those real?"

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A/n... These are actually real too. I think it's the rhino revolver

"Yes, they are. A little over ten grand each. You Americans sure love your guns. Most of them are very unnecessary. Let's play a game of Russian Roulette. It is more of a multiplayer type of game, but I will not be playing, just you." I loaded one of the chambers in the revolver, and spin the chambers...

Back to preset

Iman and Alina both enjoyed each other company. Actually, Alina had got Iman to be the photographer for her clothing line for a bit. Iman enjoyed it, and so the models too. Some models did flirt with Iman, and a pregnant Alina was not having it. Karla, John, and Iman had to get here way from the girls before she did anything. After that entire incident, Alina spent the whole night reassuring where home is with Iman, even Iman knew already.

Now for George... Georgie... Georgia, sorry for the miss spellings, but she moved across the coast. Brynn/Hermes threat really stuck with her, and she wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Brynn has close tabs on Georgia and used a typewriter to type a letter to her. The letter said

     Not matter where you move to, whether it is from coast to coast, or country to country, I know where you are. Honor our agreement, and nothing will happen to you, or anyone else.

That scared Georgia, and she has become paranoid, but that is her own fault. She regrets doing what she didn't, but the deed is done. She now looks over her shoulders from time to time. Hermes had made a long-lasting impression on her.

The Martial Residence

The Martial Residence

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4:40 P.M
Iman Martial POV

"Baby come here!" Alina yelled from the living room. I left the kitchen and went into the living room.

"Yes." Her hormones and mood swings are something serious. I see why most men do not want to deal with this. One minute she would be crying, the next angry, and the next happy for some reason. I can't wait for Sayir and Samir to come out. Two more days, but then again they may come late.

"Nothing I just missed your face, you've been painting all day, neglecting your pregnant soon to be due girlfriend." I had some contractors build an art studio that is attached to the main house.

"I'm sorry my love, I'm here now baby." I sat on the couch with her and wrapped my arms around her.

I just rubbed on her stomach and watched tv with her.

"Only two more days until they come."

"I know. As Dinah say your snatch back game will be strong." I said.

Alina threw her hands up in the air. "I give up."

I just laughed because she knows I do not talk this way. I have been spending time with Dinah. I missed a lot of her life because my parents wouldn't let me. I love being around her, it is really fun. Speaking in that way is funny because I make me seem like I am extremely old.

"Baby, you are just an old ass man." Alina said, "I still love you."

Sorry for any mistakes and grammar

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