Chapter 39

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October 30
Iman's Home
5:30 P.M.

Iman Martial POV

"So I have a question for you. " Alina asked me. Right now we are on my couch watching some scary movies.

"What's up." Kenshi came in dragging his bed in front of the couch.

"Aww that is so cute, but do you celebrate Halloween?" Alina asked me.

"No, I never did. You know how things were. I never really understood the purpose of Halloween. Free candy knocking on strangers door doesn't sound fun. I remember Viv say don't take candy from strangers, also strangers in white vans." I said. I honestly don't care about Halloween, to be honest. It's just another day for me. So I haven't experienced the luxury of dressing up and being carefree.

"What did happen on those days where it was Halloween with the other people?" she asked a different question.

"Leather, collars, and a leash," I laughed.

"You know I should stop asking questions about your past." I snickered a little bit. I know she means no harm when she asks me questions. I don't mind opening up to her.

"Don't, I like answering your questions. Why not talk about it. The only thing I can not do is speak their names and describe them. Probably missing a few things, but since it's just us. I don't mind telling you what happened." I said.

After my birthday, we did have sex for at least 3 days straight. I didn't mind it though. Now, Alina comes over a lot and spends the night. It feels right with her being here. Right now she just finished a big thing with her job, and I guess she has some new things coming out.

"So like remember when you said that most companies don't accommodate bigger people." She said.

"Yeah I remember, baby. " I said keeping my attention to the tv.

"I made an entire line for men and women. It's going to launch in a few days." I stopped looking at the tv, then turned to her with a big smile on my face.

"That's fantastic baby, seriously. So whats the price range." Now I gave Alina my undivided attention. She seems so happy about this new launch she has going on.

"From 3 dollars to 20. Nothing goes over 20 dollars actually." She told me. I thought about it, and the price seems reasonable to me. I've spent over 20 dollars for just one shirt so it is not as bad. It makes things a lot affordable for people.

"You are a genius baby. I can see it already baby, shelves just empty because they can afford everything." I told her. "It's gonna be huge, huge I tell you. " I said in my best Donald Trump voice.

"Nooo it's not Halloween yet, but you can grab this pussy anytime." I couldn't help but laugh. This does feel like home.

Iman's Home
3:30 P.M.

Alina Rivers POV

So right now Iman had left with Justus to talk to a few people. While she is gone, I decided to decorate her place with some Halloween stuff. It was somewhat hard to actually do it, but I manage to make it. Her dogs are playing while I'm finishing up the decorations.

As I am finishing up, the front door opens. Kenshi and Scooby instantly went to the door greeting Iman.

"Hey my boys, have y'all been good for Alina," she said talking to the dogs.

"Hey, baby." She stopped petting them then closed the door. "Woah, it looks amazing in here."

"It's not much, but I thought why not." Iman took her jacket off and made her way over to me.

"Either way it still looks good baby, thank you." she leaned down a bit, and gave me a kiss.  Everything felt right at this moment, being in her arms is amazing.

8:30 P.M.

"Don't you have a costume party to go to baby. " Iman said. We are watching the Nightmare Before Christmas.

"Well I do, but I would rather be here with you. I don't have to put on a fake smile and have boring conversations with people. " I told her. I want it just to be us today.

"You have been spending a lot of time with me. Is there anything you want to tell me." Iman said.

"I-I just want to be with you. Everything feels right with you. I feel carefree, comfortable, safe, loved around you. I felt it with past relationships, but never to this degree." I sat up to look at her. I want Iman's undivided attention at this moment.

"But I'm boring though." Iman shrugged her shoulder still looking at me.

"You're not actually. You don't try to impress me with expensive things or act a certain way. Even though how we met was really fucked up, I just always seen the real you. You always show your true colors, unlike other people. Honestly, being without you is hard when I'm always thinking about you. Ever since you left things felt different at home. It always feels as is something is missing, and it was you. I....


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