Chapter 49

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November 15
1:30 P.M.
Elite Giant Bar

Damien Collins POV

"Man, what is up with your sister dude?" I asked Donald.

Donald shrugged his shoulders while taking a sip from his whiskey. "Well, she is so-called in love with that girl and is having her babies. I don't even understand how, but she is not a man."

"You know, Iman was like a sex slave right," I told him.

"You have kidding right, Dame. Does Alina know this?"

"Of course she does. Alina is the one who bought her in the first place. Don't get me wrong things were going good between us, then all this happened. I don't know what she sees in her. Everything she has now is because of Alina. Who knows, Iman could just be pretending to love her and purposely got her pregnant." I shrugged my shoulders.

Donald just shook his head. "That sad. I knew there is a reason why I don't like her." he sat there and rubbed on his chin. "You think my parents know about this?"

"Probably not. I just remember hearing like her family ain't really have a shit about her."


Donald doesn't like Iman not one bit. Even though he doesn't have a reason to not like her, he just does. Damien on the other hand, he has many reasons to hate or dislike Iman. In a way, Iman is just able to sweep Alina off her feet without actually doing anything. Damien is trying to come up with some plan for Alina to look at Iman differently, just in a bad way. The only dilemma is, Iman doesn't really do anything wrong.

He continuously losses against Iman in so many ways. Iman had nothing to her name, yet she can win Alina's heart. While Damien has everything. Iman is damaged and trying to return back to society, but Damien isn't. No matter how good Damien is, Alina still chooses Iman over him. What he fails to realize is that Alina doesn't want somebody to win her off of material things. Damien has never had a deep conversation with Alina.

Alina is the type of person who falls in love with a person's personality, and how they naturally are, then the money, and looks. She looks for someone she could have deep intellectual and spiritual conversations with. Someone that can please her mind and soul, then her body. As much money Alina has, she looks for somebody that she can deeply connect with. Damien didn't fit those criteria, but Iman did. Iman was able to have simple conversations that turned deep. Iman can show her things in a different light than what Damien could possibly do. In many ways, Iman is better than Damien.

"I don't know what you can do man. You might have to move on.  She is having her babies, and that there is nothing you can do about that." Donald told Damien.

"What do you mean?" Damien now has a confused look on his face.

"Move on I guess. At this point, those are my nieces or nephews she is carrying. Whatever you are going to do, leave me out of it." Donald finished his drink and placed a twenty on the table.

His Parents House

Donald Rivers POV

As much as I love my sister, I will not be apart of whatever plan he has. I don't trust Iman, and I don't really see how she is likable. Everyone in the family is smitten over her. I went over to my parent's house to see what they are doing. As I'm pulling up, the garage is opened and some music is playing.

"Hey dad you in here," I said walking up to the garage.

"Hey son, what's going on." he looked back from the car.

"Nothing just had a drink with Damien. What are you doing with this old car?" I asked him while I am going up to the car.

Iman suddenly appears coming out of the house. I didn't acknowledge her and just continued to talk to my dad. I guess she noticed it and walked over to her car.

"Okay Donald, what is the deal with you and Iman?" He asked me as he wiped his hands.

I just shrugged my shoulder and leaned up against the car. "I just don't like her that's all. I don't see why she is even with Alina."

"Your sister is a grown-ass woman. She doesn't need her little brother to decide who she dates or anything in that matter. You kept trying to hook her up with Damien, and you see where that is going. Boy thinks is money, and expensive things will win a woman over." My dad shook his head.

"And Iman had literally nothing," I said.

" You can make something out of nothing boy. I know how all of you are, and Alina likes people for their personality. You know she never really like expensive things anyway. "

"But according to Damien, Iman once was a sex slave. She could have an STD or HIV. Yet, each and every one of y'all love her." I hope my sister doesn't have anything.

My dad stopped what he was doing and looked over to Iman. "Listen here, Donald, that is her business. We all took the time to get to know Iman, but you haven't. You have all this hatred against her, but what for. Is it because Alina doesn't want nothing to do with Damien, and is having Iman's babies. It is so much you don't know about her, give her a chance. "

"But a sex slave though."

"Dammit Donald, she had no choice!" he slammed the hood of the car down. "Look how you grew up for god sakes! Get to know her, get to know her story, then you will see why Alina loves her." right before he was going to walk away he came back over to me. "I don't know where any of this came from, but if anything happens to Iman, and it affects Alina plus those babies I will whoop your ass. Damien is no good, and you are behaving like a child."

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