Chapter 29

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June 5
2:00 P.M
Iman Martial POV

"That is the last of the furniture Ms. Martial." There is a few guys setting the furniture I ordered into my loft apartment.

"Thank you all." I said.

My grandparents and Dinah are here in my new apartment. I wanted Alina to be here, but she wanted no part of it. It wasn't as if she didn't care, but the deal is done. We never said our goodbye because she didn't want to make it seem like it was the end. Justus helped me find this place because he used to live here. Its big and spacious for me to live a normal life, and do my artwork. It has been 5 days with being in Alina's presence. Oh how I miss it so much, but how I was living with her didn't help me much. More so in a mental way because I was still under contract to her. None of my time with her felt like I was under a contract, but the mindset was still lingering in the back of my head.

Basically 'moving' out of Alina's place she let me keep everything I had. Even gave me the bed since I couldn't find anything more comfortable than that. I bought all the things that I used over Alina's house because well it reminded me of her.

"How do you feel?" Pawpaw asked me.

"I feel free I guess. I mean in a way I was, but it feels different. I know it's going to be hard without seeing Alina every day." I said.

"Let me tell you something baby girl. I seen how you two act towards each other. From the minute I met her and seen you again I felt this bond between you two. You love her and she loves you. You two may not said it to each other, but its in your eyes. Give it some time, and maybe faith you bring you two back together." He patted my back.

"He is right you know. When I went to college back so long ag." Grandma Cyn laughed, "Daniel and I both went to separate colleges. We lost contact after a year, and didn't find each other until we did graduate. I dated other men then, but they all wasn't Daniel. Love will find its way back, and time apart will sometimes make it stronger. If you truly love her, let this happen, then the day you two reconnect, if the feelings are there and stronger go for it."

I just smiled, then I felt Dinah trying to put her arm around my shoulder.

"Aww you in love." She teased me.

"Hush up." I playfully pushed her.

"Come on Iman, you need some groceries then we will be out of your hair, and let you enjoy your new place." Grandma Viv said.

They all started walking out while Dinah and I slowly walked behind them.

"Do you smoke?" she asked me. I nodded my head as she slapped my arm. "Since when?"

"Since I was 13. Pawpaw and Pops started with me. While those summers of you all leaving, they just let me have my freedom with them."

"Damn luck. I wasn't allowed to smoke with them until like 2 years ago." She pouted.

"Life was and still is stressful for me. Now, I could see it getting better. I said locking MY front door.

My first apartment. Life is starting to look better, but it would be missing a certain someone to always make me feel at eaze.

June 8
1:15 P.M
A few  days passed and I felt lonely in this big place. Dinah likes to come over to get away from our parents. Once college start she would be out of there, but until then summer will be long. I always dreamed of having my own place and having at least two dogs. Pawpaw and Pops gave me the old school 1968 Pontiac Firebird I help them fix back then.

Now it has some modern things like radio that is new in it

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Now it has some modern things like radio that is new in it. I drove up to the Humane Society to look at some dogs. When I walked into there, I looked around at the dogs. None of them I guess 'spoke' to me until I saw a dalmatian. I went up the cage and the dalmatian looked at me, then came closer to me.

"He is a rescue dog. We found him walking around a bad part of town. Sad, he is a beautiful dog." I got startled when the female worker came up from behind.

"How old is he." I asked.

"Just 1."

Then right next to him is a shar pei mixed with something else next to him.

"Both of them were found together. He is a shar pei mixed with a bulldog."

"Could I get them both?" I asked. The brown shar pei stayed next to the dalmatian.

"Sure." She said.

1:30 P.M

She let them walk out with me on their new leashes. I bought everything that I needed from then and their medical records. Some of the workers helped putting the stuff in the trunk while I put dogs in the car.

"Thank you." They just smiled and walked away.

"Well boys time to get you home."

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