Chapter 18

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"No." I said getting up from my seat.

"Iman what's going on. Who are you?" Alina asked getting concerned.

"Fuck no. You ruined my life. You ruined me, your own fucking child. You took my life away when you gave me up for ten fucking thousand dollars. You lost the right to call me your child, you lost the title of mom." I yelled. All the memories came flooding in my head. I felt dizzy, but I wanted to be far away from here as possible. I don't care if Alina sends me back or punish me, I just want to leave.

I grabbed my coat, and walked out of the restaurant. I didn't want to deal with this, not now, not ever.

Alina Rivers POV

Iman stormed out of the restaurant, with a lot of emotions showing no her face.

"So you the woman that neglected her and sold her huh." I laughed at her.

"Look I know it was wrong, but I cant change time now. I just want to explain to her what all happened. I know I was a horrible mother." She pleaded to me.

"Mother." I laughed at her. "You wasn't a mother. 5 years, 5 years of her being used and abused by different women. She is broken because of you and your family. You treated her like shit, and that all she knows." I paused what I was saying remembering how I first saw Iman.

She had a large bruise on her stomach and was really fragile. Remembering all the cuts over Iman's body. She shouldn't be a mother to anybody.

I grabbed my coat and was about to leave. Iman's mother stopped me from leaving.

"Please I just want a chance to talk to her. I cant forgive myself from doing that to her. Please." She put a piece of paper in my hand with what I'm guessing is her number.

"That's up to her. Oh by the way, I bought her. I'm the one trying to fix her, to give her love that she needs. I'm trying to get her life back on track. You don't know what it was like seeing a bunch of men and women looking at her like a piece of fucking property." I said lowly for only her to hear.

I place a two hundred on the table, and walked out of the place going to look for Iman. I got in to the car, and started to drive around to find her.

9:30 P.M

I drove around of at least an hour searching for Iman. I have no way in contacting Iman directly, and this scares me so much. Im so worried about her, I don't want to think of the possibly that could happen. I pulled up into an coffee lounge parking lot, putting my head on the steering wheel. Tears started flowing down my face fast. Then I started to shake because I'm afraid of losing her. Ten straight minutes of me crying, there is a tapping sound coming from my window.

"Ma'am are you okay?" I rolled down my window and a police officer is standing there.

"No" I said.

"Ma'am what's going on?" The Officer asked me.

"I cant find my girlfriend. We were just at a restaurant more than an hour ago. She saw her mother then stormed out of the place. I've been looking for her for an hour." I told him.

"Hey Paula can you come over her for a sec." the male officer said, "Ma'am this is Officer Marston she will be assisting while I go and talk to some people."

I've talked to Paula and gave her a description of what Iman looks like today. I hope nothing bad has happened to her.

10:30 P.M.

An hour ago the police told me to go home while they went in search for her. I kept pacing back and forth in my living room, constantly checking my phone to see if any one of the officers called.  Time passed and there is still no calls from no one yet.

"Lord please let them find Iman so I can bring her back home safety." I said out loud. A few minutes after I said that little prayer I guess out loud my phone ringed.

"Ms. Rivers can you come up to the Iron Stag Bar, I believe we found Iman." I immediately put my coat on and ran out of my house, I put in the location in my gps and made my way up to the bar.

The drive there was pretty long, at least 30 minutes away. On the way there I past the restaurant that we went to. Going further down I saw the bar I believe Iman had walked to or wondered into. I got out of the car and quickly went inside. I see some officers two female officers sitting with Iman as she drank her beer.

"Iman, are you okay?" I asked her. One of the officers moved from next to her and let Iman get up from the booth.

"I-I-I'm fine babe." She started to have the hiccups. This must be the first time she has ever gotten this drunk. "You look *hiccup* beautiful."

"This is the last beer or anything alcoholic they will serve her today. She was just in this booth drinking her heart out. Whatever happened must have been something bad with her mother. Ms. Martial kept saying she hates her mother and some other things. Then she broke down crying, and calmed down." One of the officers said.

"Thank you Officer Williams, and Cortez." I said to them. "come on Iman let's go home okay."

Iman stumbled over to me and put her arm around my shoulders, leaning on me.

"You s-s-aid I *hiccup* was your *hiccup* girlfriend." She said.

"I did baby, lets get you home." Officer Williams helped me walk Iman to the car.

We both started having some trouble because Iman is both taller and heavier than both of us. Some guys in the bar helped us with Iman, but then she started to freak out. The guys stopped, and I sat her down.

"Baby I need you to walk to the car for me please." I told her. One of the bartenders came over to me and handed me a bottle of water. "Drink this baby."

Eventually she calmed down, and sobered up a bit she finally could walk to the car. The officers stayed to make sure that she was alright and helped me with Iman. Once we successfully got her inside the car, I thanked both of the officers for finding her.

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