Chapter 17

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At Vetri Cucina Restaurant

Alina Rivers POV

The drive here was something else. I kept feeling, and catching Iman either starring or looking at me. She would say I wasn't starring, but admiring a beautiful woman right next to me. I felt so many butterflies in my stomach hearing her compliment me. Even though she does all the time, I can always tell she really means it. Walking into the restaurant we did get a lot of looks at us. Some men glared at Iman, and practically drooled at me. All the wives and girlfriends looked at me in envy and Iman in lust. Iman pulled my chair out for me, like gentlemen.

"Looks like you are the star of tonight." Iman said sitting down.

"So are you." She just smiled, and shook her head.

Our waiter came over practically staring at me.

"Hi, my name is Brandon. I will be your waiter tonight, is there anything you want to drink beautiful." He said to me mostly. Iman just shrugged her shoulders while I looked at the wine menu.

"A bottle of Montoya Cabernet Napa Valley, and a glass of water." I said. Brandon then turned to Iman and didn't say anything.

"Just water." She said.

"I'll be right back beautiful." He said to me, then smirked at Iman.

Iman had an amused smile on her face because the guy is trying to hard to get under her skin. We both looked over our menus while Brandon came back with the bottle of wine on ice. He pour us both a glass of wine and sat down our water. He left again to go and tend to his other tables.

"Anything you like in there?" I asked Iman. Iman looks so concentrated on the menu that she sucked in her bottom lip with her tongue sticking out a little bit. It is extremely adorable.

"I don't know anything on here." I just laughed, "But I guess the pesto chicken pasta sounds good."

"You are so adorable." Iman smiled and shook her head. Brandon came back and asked us what we wanted to eat. He still flirted with me, but I wasn't having it anymore and neither was Iman. Iman stood up and was about to say something, but the manager came over.

"What is the problem sir." I held in a little laugh as Iman talked to the manager.

"This guy here is over stepping his boundaries. I will not tolerate more disrespect to me and my woman over here. It's flat out, out of line ." Iman said sternly. The dominance in her voice was amazing, and arousing too.

"I'm so sorry sir...I'm a woman." Iman had cut the manager off.

"I'm sorry about that, I will get a new waiter or waitress. I will also hand deliver your meals too." The manager said.

Iman sat back down, and popped her neck. She let out a sigh then sipped some of her wine. The manager came back out with our food, and we began to eat. We didn't meet our server yet, but we are enjoying each other's company without people disrupting us.

Iman Martial POV

I don't know what came over me. I felt disrespected by Brandon flirting with Alina. Don't get me wrong, a beautiful woman like her must get it all the time. I saw her smile hard when I said that. There was a little bit of a since, but to me it was necessary. Alina didn't say anything and just let me basically almost go off on the guy. He looked embarrassed, and lost that cheeky smirk on his face. I never had this happened to me, and it all feels new. Once everything was sorted out, we continued to have now a peaceful evening.

I ended up changing my order at the last minute and got a steak instead. Actually, Alina and I pretty much switched orders.

"You know this pesto chicken pasta is really good." Alina said. I grabbed my wine glass, then took a sip from it. Alina put some of her food on the fork and feed me some of her food.

"Wow that is good, but I do like this steak though." I said.

"Hi, I'm... Iman sweetie is that you." I turned my attention to whoever is taking and dropped my glass.

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