Chapter 32

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August 29
8:20 P.M
New York

Iman Marital POV

Justus and I both made it to New York. Before the trip, and before I left Alina, I asked Justus to be my mentor or agent with my art. The plane ride and the hotel are all paid for since I'm consider a guest. I didn't think they would, but they did. The plane ride there was normal, even though we had first class seats.

Once we got into our hotel, I crashed on the bed.

"Finally." My voice is muffled by my face being on the bed. Justus just laughed at me.  "I really hope you don't snore loud."

"Only a little bit. It's not that bad according to my wife. Get up though, let's find something to eat. Preferably pizza." He tapped on the back of my right leg.

"Yes, with like extra sauce and cheese. Alright I'm up." I said getting up from the bed. I believe Justus grabbed one of the key cards as I left the room.

9:30 P.M.

We came back to the hotel after looking around Manhattan for a little bit. I already showered, and most likely will head to bed. It feels so surreal about everything. I laid down in bed, looking at the ceiling thinking.

"Try to get some sleep, we got a long day tomorrow." Justus said getting into his bed.

"I'll try. Good night Jus." I said.

11:30 P.M

I kept tossing and turning in the bed unable to sleep. It wasn't because the room is set at 74 degrees, but I have to much on my mind. I'm glad we stopped by a marijuana shop and bought a little bit of weed. I went out on the balcony and closed the glass door. Even at this hour of night New York still looks lively.

I leaned back in the chair, and sparked the blunt. My mind went straight to thinking of Alina. I miss her badly. At these types of nights were my mind doesn't want to rest, Alina just played in my hair until I fell asleep.

I picked my phone off of the little table, and unlocked it. Going to my contacts, I looked at Alina's number that is saved in it. I stared at the number for awhile until I finally pressed call. A few seconds later I hear her voice coming through the phone.

"Hello." I hear her voice. It sounded like the first time I heard her voice back in the place.

"Hey Ms. Rivers." I said.

"Iman?" I could hear her shift in the background.

"Yeah." I said. Silence took of the tone of the conversation or the start of one.

"I miss you." I finally hear her say.

"I miss you too. It feels weird without you around, but I'm pushing through it." I said.

"Same here. Aren't you in New York?" She asked me.

"Yeah I arrive here a few hours ago. I should be sleep, but I can't sleep. So I decided why not sit out on the balcony and call you on a late Thursday night." There is more silence and more movement in the background.

"Can I facetime you?" Alina asked.

"Yeah." Once she hung up, she instantly called back. I answered her facetime call, and I see her laying down in bed with her white covers pulled up.

"You look beautiful." I said. I watched as a small smile creeps up on her face.

"You still wear the necklace I gave you." She said.

"I never really take it off. A very beautiful and special woman gave it to me."

"She did didn't she." The covers came down a bit, showing off her beautiful skin.

"Yeah she is always on my mind. Sometimes I wished she is with me, but I need time to be by myself."

"I bet she does understand everything, but she also wishes she was there with you." I just studied her features, and felt content with life again. "You know my parents and grandma asked about you on the fourth of July."

"How are they?" I smiled.

"They are fine. My grandma really wants to see you. She keeps asking if I knew where you lived at, but I don't know. It's kind of hard keeping my distance when you are always on my mind."

We talked through out the night, then she ended up falling asleep on me. At time the she fell asleep it is already 3 in the morning. My eye now feel heavy, and just a wave of tiredness washed over me. I went back into the room, and climbed into bed after I hung up the phone then put it on the charger. Soon as my head hit the pillow I instantly fell asleep.

9:00 A.M.

Both Justus and Iman's alarms went off signaling them to wake up. Iman woke up feeling refreshed after talking to Alina throughout the night. Iman knows that it is going to be harder for her to resist Alina, even if they are apart. The impact Alina have on her life is somewhat scary to her, but Iman doesn't care about it.

"You finally talked to Alina." Justus said. Iman looked at him stunned at what he said. "I heard some of the conversation last night."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. I don't know why I called her, just something drawn me to finally grow the balls to call. It eased a lot of tension and stress I was carrying." Iman stretched, then got up from the bed.

"I bet. Well get dressed so we can got for breakfast. Like I said last night we have a long day. After we eat, we have to go up to the gallery and talk to a few people there. Also to make sure the new paintings they bought is there and nothing is damaged. Then after all of that we have until 2 before the actually gallery is opened and everything." Justus went down their schedule for today.

Back in May at the art gallery, Iman met a man name Duncan Glover, who invited her to New York for his gallery. A month after the show, he wanted two new paintings from Iman and was willing to pay for it. He ended up paying 180 thousand for them. Duncan saw a lot of talent in Iman and didn't mind spending that much for them.

While Justus got in the shower, Iman laid out her clothes for today. After she laid out her suit for later on, and the regular clothes for now she went and checked her phone. Iman saw she had a message from Dinah, Pawpaw, and Alina.

Iman instantly went to Alina message and read it. The message read:
Good morning, hopefully you finally slept well. Good luck with everything today. I'm really glad you called it made me day, well more my week.

Iman replied back to her with a smile on her face that probably wouldn't go away. Nothing could ruin how she felt today.

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