Chapter 26

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4:15 P:M

Iman Martial POV

The ride was somewhat long to my grandparents' house. We pulled up to a big house that looks fantastic from the outside. There is a black Cadillac truck and car in the drive way.

 There is a black Cadillac truck and car in the drive way

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"I guess they all are home." Dinah said.

Alina parked the car behind the truck, and we all came out. Once Alina came to my side I held my hand out for her.

"They are nice people Alina trust me." I said softly to her.

Dinah is already up at the door, possibly ringing the doorbell. Alina and I walk up to the front door seeing Linda's mother.

"Hi grandma." I said. Dinah moved out the way and saw me. My grandma looked at me and covered her mouth.

"Who is at the door sweetie." I hear my grandpa say. Once he got closer to the door he saw me. " Viv tell me this isn't real. Tell me that's not my lovely granddaughter Iman."

"It's me pops, and it is all real." I let go of Alina's hand and walked up to them . They both hugged me crying. My grandma Vivian wouldn't let me go. All I heard is 'thank you Jesus' over and over again. "I missed you guys. Is pawpaw and grandma Cyn here?"

"Daniel, Cynthia come here." We all went inside and Alina stayed a bit behind watching everything happen. I looked back and see her almost in tears.

They both came out of what I'm thinking is the kitchen and saw me. Grandma Viv and Pops both let me go as I walked over to them. Cyn started crying hard backing away from me.

"Nona its me, Iman." I finally got arms reach with her, and pulled her into a hug. Pawpaw finally came over to me and hug us as well. "Come on let all of us sit down so I can explain what has happened in the five years I've been gone. Its not a pleasant story, but it would explain everything."

1 Hour Later

"That's all that happened. I almost gave up on life until this one here saved me, and gave me love and a meaning to life again." I finished my story.

"I can't fucking believe them. I knew we should of just went and filed for custody of you. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. Ms. Rivers thank you for everything you have done for Iman." Grandma Viv said. She went over and hugged Alina.

"Something in me told me to go to the place, and it all just happened. If I didn't do that, there is no telling what else could of happened to Iman. I'm grateful that she is in my life, despite the situation we both are in. If anything Iman have a huge impact on my life. Without her knowing it brought out some peoples true colors to me, and showed how evil or nasty people really are."

"I have a question, what is Iman to you. I mean you still own her."

"I don't really think about it. A lot of times I actually forget that she is. The things that they did to her and the two other people that did own her, I never done. I saw her a normal human being that needed help. I would help more people, but I did promise my father I would stay out of it. I don't want to be I guess tied to those people who does things like that. I have grown an attachment to Iman though, she is really amazing and I don't see how her family would do something like that." Alina said. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Without her, I probably would of never been in the position I am now. You all would of never known I was still living or dead. The opportunities that I have been offered today is all because of her." I stopped myself from talking even more. I think I might actually love Alina.

"Look at you Iman. You look a lot stronger, and healthier. You look fucking good. Look like a younger version of me." Pops said.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but I look better." I laughed.

We changed the subject for a better topic. Grandma Viv and Cyn both started cooking my favorite meal, while my grandpas embarrass me in front of Alina. They ended up pulling out the photo album and some home videos of me.

"This is the time were Iman was crying and running from a group of chickens when she was 6." Pawpaw said.


"Iman they are just chickens stop running." Pawpaw said.

Iman is just screaming and crying running from nine chickens. Iman has a bucket for grains and stuff for the chickens to eat.

"PAWPAW!!" Iman yelled running.

"Drop the bucket baby girl. They might stop coming after you!" He yelled back.

Iman just stuck her hand in the bucket and threw the food at them.

"Oh lord. Iman I said drop the bucket, not throw the food at them sweetheart." Pawpaw started laughing.

"What's going on Que?" A deep voice from behind said. The camera turned to Iman's other grandpa Daniel.

"she was feeding the chickens and now they are chasing her."

"Help!" Iman ran over to them. Daniel picked her up and he sat the bucket on the ground.

"Don't be scared of them baby girl. They don't eat humans." Daniel wiped her tears away.

Iman Martial POV

"It's not funny, I was real life scared. I thought they were going to eat me." I said. Alina is just laughing at my expense as a kid. I gently pushed her as she kept laughing.

"It is funny. You threw their food at them yet they still chased you." Alina tried to lay her head on my shoulder. I moved it away, but she pulled me back.

"Whatever, at least pops saved me unlike you Pawpaw. All you did was record and laughed."

"Because it was funny. The same thing happened with the ducks." Pops laughed.

"This is why I never brought any girls over when I was younger." I pouted.

"Awww look at that pout." Alina kissed my lips.

Despite seeing my other family, I always loved being around my grandparents. Now Alina can experience why I talk about them so much. They treated her like she was family.

"Iman, sweetie can we talk to you." Grandma Viv said.

I patted Alina's hand getting up while Dinah, pawpaw and pops continue to show her embarrassing things about me.

"What's up?" I said sitting at the little table they have in the kitchen.

"I see how you and Alina over there act. You got some type of love for her?" Nona aka Grandma Cyn said.

"Yeah, but the things we did, it was all on my own will. I know it's wrong, but I just do."

"You know they call is Stockholm Syndrome. It's like you completely trust her with everything, but yet you are still owned Iman. I don't know how long it has been with you two, but I can see you both have feelings for each other. It's just the whole things makes it seem like it." she said.

"I know, but I've been in that situation for 5 years. I still go by the rules they have. I refuse to speak on who I used to be owned by. I refuse to say their names because one day I could be just out and about and go right back into it. Just that time, I wont be sold, but taken. My mindset is fucked up. Its like somebody being in prison for years and finally be free, but you don't know what goes on in their head. Even though they are free, their minds are still institutionalized from being there. I believe she really is helping me, and in a few weeks I wont be living with her anymore. I would be on my own for the first time. I earned one million dollars just off my paintings today. I have my dream career that I always wanted. Right now I just want to enjoy what has been given to me and run with it. I don't know what the future holds for me or Alina. I choose to stay another month with her because I wanted to. Cyn, Viv, she did a lot for me, and I don't know what could happen between her and I. If we end up together in the future then it would happen. I'm here now, and that's all that matters." I said.

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