Chapter 6.75

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Same Day
2:00 PM

Iman Martial POV

I don't remember what really happened. All I remember is just blacking out, and now waking up . Everything is still hazy to me so I walked downstairs to get a glass of water. I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when I heard something drop on the floor.

"Sweet Jesus." I  heard. I just opened the bottle and started drinking out of it.

A few minutes later Alina comes into the kitchen with a shirt in her hand. She handed it to me, but why. Until some of the water spilled, and I  felt the cold water running down my chest.

"Sorry." I put the bottle down and put on the shirt.

Jasmine, Athena and Hazel all looked at me. The look Jasmine is giving me is a look that is all to familiar to me.

"Damn she is fine." Jasmine said under her breath.

"Sweetheart, how did you get all those scars." Hazel asked me.

"Well going through what  I have been through, many scars will accumulate overtime. Sorry about what happen earlier, I honestly don't remember the things that I did." I apologized to them.

Alina just came over to me, and hugged me. She really calms me down for some reason. Alina took me to the living room, and sat me down next to her. Her brother Donald looks at me like I have done something wrong, but it was more in disgust.

"Is everything okay?" Alina asked me softly. She intertwined her hand with mine.

"I believe everything was all just overwhelming to me. It happened so fast. All I remember is I was just shaking, and things were feeling like it was closing in on me. So I guess I really blacked out from everything happening at once." I told her.

I still don't know Alina's attention on buying me, but it seems like it is for a good reason. She hasn't punished me or anything. Everything she has done for me was in good spirits. Her shirt smelled like my cologne that I wear.

"Is that my shirt you're wearing?" I asked her.

"Yes, looks good doesn't it." she smiled.

I nodded my head in conformation. Alina did look good in my shirt.

8:00 PM

"The food is done everyone." Hazel yelled from the kitchen.

Keith and I both helped set the table up while everyone is coming in. While the food is still hot on the table, I pulled the chair out for Alina to sit in it. I sat next to Alina, and it felt weird to be at the dinner table like a family.

I felt welcomed by everybody, expect Donald of course. Jasmine is giving me lustful eyes, but I'm trying to ignore it. Hazel and Athena said a prayer over the food before we actually began to eat.  This all looks actually amazing. Alina is actually making my plate for me, and asking me what I wanted to eat also.

"You couldn't do it yourself." Donald said.

"Boy I'm bout' tried of your mouth today. Stop being that way because you are pissing me off." Athena said.

"Mom I'm just saying." He said.

"It's fine Mrs. Rivers, sadly I've heard worse before. Also, I am quite used to this actually. " I said. Alina put her hand on my thigh, and squeezed it. I placed my hand over hers and rubbed it.

We began eating, and it tasted amazing. We all had small conversations while Donald didn't say anything. It felt amazing to actually be apart of something.  Alina kept rubbing on my thigh while we were all eating. It doesn't feel forced or unwanted like my previous owners and their friends did.

"I might give you a little extra Christmas present." She whispered in my ear. Her hand went over the front of my jeans, and she squeezed my covered member. That automatically made me cough because this is something I'm not used to. Also, because her family is all right here.

"You okay there sweetie." Ms. Hazel asked me.

"Yes, must of went down the wrong pipe." I said. Alina giggled a little bit.

This is unexpected, but I'm not uncomfortable about it at all.

"So Iman, what do you like to do." Her father Keith asked me.

"Um, well I started back drawing again. So maybe I can turn that into something."  I wish they would leave right now.

They continued to talk about nothing to me. Eventually I tuned them out, and kept on eating the food that's on my plate. Ms. Hazel got up, and filled up my plate again because of how I quickly finished the first plate. She didn't see Alina squeeze me  a bit tighter. I look down, and see that there is a dark blue spot on my jeans.  

"Are you okay with this?" Alina whispered to me.

"More than okay." I replied back. Before they came, Alina did lay my clothes out on the bed. The one item she 'forgotten' was my briefs. Maybe she is doing this on purpose.

10:30 PM

"Alright baby we are leaving." Ms. Hazel told Alina. They hugged each other, and then she came and hugged me.

They all said their goodbye to both of us, but Donald didn't say anything to me. I honestly am not hurt about it, its his decision.  Alina locked up the front door while I went over back to the dining room and started cleaning up. I heard the door close while I'm in the kitchen putting things away.

I felt Alina pull me back by my belt loops on my jeans. I turned around, and unintentionally trapped her between me and the counter.

"Yes, Ms. Rivers." I said to her.

Alina wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me down to kiss her. This wasn't a normal kiss, no this kiss have something behind it that meant a lot more than just a random kiss.

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