(Finn)You're apart of the cast

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There is a group interview with the It cast today
Your outfit

Interviewer(Carol): please welcome the cast of the hit movie remake IT!!!!

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Interviewer(Carol): please welcome the cast of the hit movie remake IT!!!!

Sophia:Thank you!

Carol:So what was it like filming this movie?

Jaeden: it was really fun honestly being on set was constant laughing.

Carol: that's good. Okay now we're gonna play a game. It's basically I'm going say something and you're gonna tell me who out of the losers club is mostly to do this thing ok?
*everyone nodded*
Carol:Ok most likely to show up late for work?

Y/N: Jack
Sophia: Jack and Y/N
Jaeden:Probably me
Jeremy: Y/N

Y/N: when was I late for work?

Finn: like every other day *he laughed*

Y/N: what no that was You *smiling shaking your head*

Finn:Only because you make me late

Jack:How does she make you late if she shows up before you?

Finn: She doesn't wake me up on time then she leaves without me

Carol:do you all share hotel rooms?

Sophia:Not all of us but yes normally we all just sleep in wyatt's room because it's the biggest.

Carol: okay next question. How is most likely to sing for no reason

Sophia: Finn
Jack: Finn

Most likely to fall for their co-star

Everyone: Finn and Y/N

Carol: oooo so there's a relationship between the two of you

*Finn nods smiling*

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