you died (jack)

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Jack's POV

I got a call from y/n's mom asking me if she was with me and ofcourse I said no because I was on set. But this still made me worry. So I called her a few times but she never answered.

Time skip

After I finished up I went to my hotel room that I shared with y/n and she was laying in her bed.

"Hey baby? Everything ok, you had us worried." I shook her but she didn't wake up so I called my mom and she came upstairs.

"Jack call 911 she barely has a pulse."

At the hospital

The doctor said she tried to commit suicide by taking two bottles of sleeping pills. I called her mom and the cast and we waited for new updates.

"Family and friends of Y/n?" The doctor asked with a sad look on his face.

"Yes?" We all asked

"I'm very sorry we did all we could. She didn't make it."

"NO! Try harder, bring her back!" I yelled as Finn held me

"Bring her back! Do something!" I said kicking my legs around in anger. Finn and Chosen tried to hold me down so I didn't hurt myself.

Time skip

We found out that she took her life because of hate and bullying that she never told anyone about. And it hurt us all. No one knew she was hurting until it was to late. She died thinking we didn't love her enough, she died thinking the whole world hated her, she died hating herself, more importantly she died alone and sad. And I will never forgive myself for that.

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