Your water broke~Jeremy

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Your POV
Today was a little reunion for the it kids who were all no longer kids. Everyone has lives and homes, and most even have children.

"Hey love, are you almost ready?" Jeremy asked softly and I nodded sitting down to put my shoes on. But I couldn't reach my feet around this belly.

"I can't reach my feet can you help me?" I asked laughing and he nodded slipping my red converse on my feet and tying them for me.

"I can't wait to meet you guys." Jeremy said kissing your bump. Before he stood to help me up and help me to the car.

Everyone was meeting at a park. After Jeremy ran over to my door and opens it for me, we walked over to the losers.

"Hey guy!" Finn said hugging us both.

"Auntie Y/n!" You heard looking down to see all the kids running to you. It was Finn's daughter Mia(7), Wyatt's two boys Kyler(6)and Thomas(3), and Sophia's son Jason(1). You smiled at them

"Careful guys!" Jaeden said hugging Jeremy

Time skip:

The kids were playing at the park while us adults were sitting on blankets and lawn chairs talking.

"So Jer, Y/n/n (nickname) have you guys thought of any names?" Jack asked we both nodded

"Yea actually, we have a list for each child because we can't pick." Jeremy laughed

"That's great, and you guys are having triplets right?" Chosen asked and you nodded.

"Wait chosen where's your daughter? And where's Mike, Finn?" Wyatt asked

"She's with her friends and Mike(Finn's son) at a birthday party." He laughed.

Chosen's daughter and Finn's son are the oldest of the kids and they are 13

All of a sudden it felt almost like water was running down my leg and I gasped making everyone look at me.

"I think my water just broke." I said calmly looking at Jeremy who was at my side instantly.

"Oh my god!" Sophia smiled

"You have get to the hospital." Jeremy said while he was helping me up with Chosen.

"Kids it's time to go!" Finn yelled as everyone started getting everything together.

Finn was gonna babysit all the kids at his house with Jaeden, Wyatt and Jack

While the rest of us were in Jeremy and I'd van, running to the hospital.

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