Your water Broke~Jack

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Y/n and I were doing a Mc Donald's run like we always do and it was about 2am

"Babe what do you want?" I asked looking over at her

"Ooo can I have some nuggets ?" She asked smiling really big and I laughed at how cute she was

"Sure baby, you can have whatever you want."

"Hi welcome to Mc Donald's, how can I help you?"

"Hi can I get two orders of 20 piece nuggets and...." I turned to y/n

"Baby do you want anything else?" I asked and she looked at me so I nodded and turned back to the window

"Can I also get two large strawberry milkshakes and then a McChicken?"

"Will that be all?"

"Yes please thank you." After getting my total I drove to the window to pay

After we got our food y/n looked at me and started crying so I pulled over

"Baby? Why are you crying?" I asked grabbing her hand

"Jack I think my water broke..." she said looking down at her lap.

"Oh shit!" I said and immediately started speeding to the hospital.

Y/n's POV

"Jack I swear to god if you crash this car I will kick your ass!" I said starting to hyperventilate

"Hey, hey, hey! Baby you need to stay calm and practice your breathing exercises! If you start panicking, I'll start panicking and I gotta get us to the hospital!" Jack yelled

"Did you just tell me to calm down?!" I yelled and he looked at me with wide eyes then quickly looked at the road

Then he accidentally turned really hard and my nuggets flew out the window.


"Oh shit." He mumbled

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