them as the dumb stuff my friends say

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Title: Them as the dumb stuff my friends say at the wrong time


Finn: *in study hall as loud as possible* "You know there are plenty of healthy reasons why we should all become cannibals"

You: "Finn! What?!

Finn: "bro, listen just think about it!"

Teacher:"Mr. Wolfhard please don't explain yourself."


Jack: "Don't tell me how to live my life, Y/N!"

You:" Bitch what? I asked if you liked Ketchup!"

Jack:"oh...well I do so shut up!"


Wyatt:" Bro how weird would it be if everyone walked around naked for a day?"

You: "that's literally disgusting!"*shakes head walking away*

Wyatt:"ok but what if it wasn't tho?!"*running after you*


Chosen:"guys! I just signed up for band!"

You:"Okay? And?"

Chosen:"I need someone to teach me how to play the guitar! By like yesterday."

You:"Bro why?"

Chosen:"Because I told the band teacher I could play so now I have to play in front of the class after lunch today."

You:"Dude this is lunch, and none of us can play guitar..."


Noah:"last night I bought a 12 pound bag of gummy bears off of Amazon."


Noah:"I do not have an answer for that question but I can tell you that I spent 45 dollars on that bag and that I regret nothing."


Gaten:"bro yesterday I dropped a water balloon on some random persons head!"

You:"that was you?!"

Gaten:" why would you accuse me of something like that?!"

You:" you just told me it was you?"

Gaten:" you're crazy, I never said that." *Runs away*


Millie: *is singing break up with your girlfriend*

You:"Millie shut up! You have been singing that forever!"* has actually only been singing for two minutes*

Millie:"you're just jealous because I am you have any candy?"

You:"what? No!"


Jaeden:"Bro how are you a vegetarian, it doesn't make sense?"

You:"I like animals jae we have been over this!"

Jaeden:" fine while you keep eating grass I'm gonna eat my dead animal flesh!"*takes Large bite out of a burger*



Jeremy:"so I bought you one of those giant bears right?"


Jeremy:" but then it was to close to the bonfire...she's dead now..sorry."*starts crying*

You:"aw JJ, you didn't mean to it's okay."

Jeremy:"I'm gonna be a terrible mother, bro!"

You:" well this escalated quickly..."


Sophia:"Y/N, you unlovable slut did you take my phone?!"

You:"You're literally holding it!"

Sophia:"oh...well stop touching my shit or I'll burn your chicken nuggets!"

You:" I didn't tho!"

Sophia:"we don't know that!"


Caleb:*runs inside covered in dirt*

You:"what happened to you?!"

Caleb:" I have no idea what you are talking about."

You:"why are you covered in dirt?!"

Caleb:"well if you must know."*takes a deep breath then pauses*


Caleb:"HOES MAD BB!"

you:"get out of my house."

Caleb:"no your mother has requested I spend the night."


Sadie:"bro I can't believe you ate my ice cream!"

You:" bro what?!"

Sadie:"you ate my ice cream, you did I saw you!"

You:" no I didn't!"

Sadie:" ok so maybe I ate it. But will you still buy me some more anyway?"


Sadie:*deep sigh*"what am I gonna do now?!"*throws self on the floor*

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