Your Water broke~Wyatt~

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Your water broke~Wyatt

Wyatt and the boys were building some last minute things for the nursery while you were taking a nap and Sophia, Sadie, and Millie were making lunch.

Wyatt's POV

"No Jack your doing it wrong!" Finn said

"No I'm not I think I know how to build a table!" Jack said waving a screwdriver around

"You're building a rocking chair..." chosen sighed

"I'm gonna go check on-" I started to say but I was cut off by Sadie yelling

"WYATT! BOYS!" We all looked at each other then ran to the girls only to find them in mine and y/n's shared room where my wife was currently sitting in a puddle of water holding her stomach.

"Oh my god..." I whispered looking at her

Your POV

Wyatt froze in place starting at me.

"Dude did you spill water on yourself?" Finn asked and everyone except Wyatt looked at him.

"Her water broke dingus." Millie said rolling her eyes

"Guys could we maybe...I don't know, GO TO THE HOSPITAL?!" I yelled and everyone started running around. Chosen carried me to the car while The girls grabbed the bags, Finn grabbed the car seat, jack made sure we had the baby bag, Jeremy was making calls to Wyatt and I's parents and Jaeden was double checking the list. Once everyone was in the van we started to pull out of driveway.

"WAIT!" Millie yelled and Chosen stopped the car. We all turned to look at her.

"Jack...go get Wyatt." She sighed shaking her head. Jack ran in the house and came back with a dazed Wyatt.

At the hospital

Wyatt helped me into the hospital and we immediately went into the delivery room while the other were in the waiting room.

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