You Died(Caleb)

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You had been really sick recently and you would get really  bad headaches but you never told anyone. Today you were going to a Comic Con with Caleb and Finn. While Caleb was signing things for fans you went to the bathroom with Caitlyn(caleb's sister) and you passed out.

Time skip

You woke up in a hospital bed with Caleb sitting next to you holding your hand.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked crying

"It's nothing. I'll be fine."

"It's not nothing, Y/N! You have brain cancer. Why wouldn't you say something." He said obviously upset

"I have what?" You asked shocked. He just looked at you

"You didn't know?"

" babe of I knew I would have told you.... where is the doctor?"

Time skip to a few months later

I came to visit y/n today like I  have everyday for the past few months today I  brought the cast with me as y/n requested last night. Everyone could tell something was off so we stayed with her  all day.

"Hey guys?" She said after we had all been sitting around her room watching friends. We all looked at her.

"I'm really tired." I knew what she meant and we all started to tear up.

"Okay's okay. You can go to sleep. I love you okay?"

"I love you too Caleb. I love all of you. Thank you guys for being a big part of my life." She said smiling. Everyone said their goodbyes and left the room. I stayed behind a sat with her.

"Caleb, I need you too promise me something."

"Anything love."

"Move on."


"No Caleb, please do that for me. I love you ok."

"I love you too. I promise." I kissed her and then I held her hand as I watch her close her eyes for the last time. When the heart machine let out that long beep I knew she was gone.

Y/n, my world, the love of my life, my everything, was gone forever. I walked to the hallway and just dropped to my knees crying. I felt some hug me

"It's gonna be okay. I promise. She's in a better place. You don't have to forget her
She will always be in your heart." Finn said as he held me.

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