You were good to me

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Title: You were good to me: Sophia lillis x reader

Backstory: You and Sophia had been friends since dippers as your mothers had been bestfriends since grade school. When the two of you turned about 12 you realized that you had feelings for one another and decided to date in secret. After about 2 years you decided it was time to tell your families but your mothers immediately didn't support it and demanded you break up. After a while you fought against them until she gave up and left you. The Lillis/Mellvold family moved away and the two of you never spoke again. Fast forward to present day, you're an actress in season 3 of Stranger things and Finn invited you to his birthday party where you bumped into Sophia and all your feelings rushed back.

Your POV

We wrapped up filming for today so I went to my trailer to change for Finn's party

Once I was dressed I grabbed my bag and shoved my stuff in it before slipping my phone into my back pocket

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Once I was dressed I grabbed my bag and shoved my stuff in it before slipping my phone into my back pocket. Then I walked over to the parking lot where the other kids were standing

"Hey y/n? You riding with me?"Noah asked and I nodded.

Time skip to the party

The party was in full swing with Finn's friends and family. I was currently talking to Wyatt and Josh about a possible YouTube video when I felt someone bump into me

"Oh I'm so sor- y/n?"someone said from behind me. I quickly turned

"Phia?!" I yelled confused she just smiled

"Oh you two know each other?" Wyatt asked

"No, not really." Sophia said quietly looking at me. I just stared at her.

"Really because it seems lik-"

"Wyatt! Drop it, I said no. We don't know each! Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go find Jaeden" Sophia snapped before walking away. I felt tears collecting in my eyes so I quickly wiped them away clearing my throat.

"Excuse me, I need some air." I said softly before quickly walking outside. I went to the   back yard and sat on the ground looking up at the sky. I sat there for what seemed like hours before I felt someone sit next to me.

"I'm sorry about what I said." Sophia whispered.

"I know."

"I'm sorry I moved away and blocked you on everything as well, it just seemed....."

"Easier?" I said finishing her sentence with a sad laugh.

"Yea." She whispered

"Its okay, it's not like we could have changed anything anyway." I said

"What do you mean?"

"We didn't belong together Phia. Our breakup was bound to happen. Unfortunately it was quick, painful and messy. But it was needed." I said looking at the stars as I have yet to look her direction.

"You don't really believe that do you?"

"Tell me what you want me to say? Because damn it Sophia I never really knew how you felt."I said finally looking at her. Her short red hair the suited her so well. Her freakels that I used to spend hours counting. Her blue eyes that I used to get lost in but now held so much pain.

"Tell me that we're okay, that everyone was wrong. Say something." She pleaded desperately. I sighed grabbing her hand

"I can't do that and you know it." I said sadly. She just looked at me

"Did you love me?"

"Phia, of course I did, but I was 12. It wasn't real love. And after all I've done for you, is that even a real question?"I asked with a sad smile.

"So what, you just want to run away from everything?!" She snapped angrily I looked at her in disbelief

"I'm not the one who ran! Im the one who stayed, I'm the one who fought for us, you gave up, you moved away, so I'm sorry if after almost 5 years of no communication I'm not exactly ready to jump into your arms and forgive you!" I said angrily before running back inside.

Time skip

Finn decided to have a sleep over with the It kids and the Stranger things kids. We were all currently sitting in the living room watching monster inc. When Sophia leaned over an whispered

"Y/n can we talk please?" I ignored her and she sighed before dragging me into the kitchen.

"What? You wanna accuse me of anything else? Maybe try to hurt me more?!" I whisper yelled

"I'm sorry ok, I just want us back. And I know it's easier to run after everything I've done to you,but you were good to me and we were so happy." She said holding my hand.

"That was then phia. I don't know if I could do it again."

"Do what again? Love me?"

"I never stopped, I ment i don't know if i could be yours again. I cried for months after you left. I was so hurt and confused. I just wanted to see you again. To hug you again. But know that you're here all I wanna do is scream and cry. You hurt me. But I was good to you. Nothing but good to you." I said before pulling my hand out of her grasp.  As I turned to go back to the living room she grabbed my shoulder

"What do I have to do to get you back? Please don't run from me."

"I just want you to stay." I said letting her pull me into her arms.

"Then I'll stay. Because I'm different than before, and I won't hurt you anymore because you were good to me and I wanna be good to you." She whispered into my hair.

" She whispered into my hair

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A/N: um I have no idea where this came from if I'm being honest, I just heard the song and instantly wrote this lol. But I hope you guys liked it. Keep requesting stuff its actually really fun to bring your ideas to life. I know I don't really have an updating schedule and that's because I'm in school right now and senior year really sucks lol.

- much love Bri💕💜

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