Your water broke~ Finn

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Your POV

You were 7 and a half months pregnant but you wanted to go out with Millie and have a girls day. You guys were currently walking in the mall parking lot when you felt like you peed your pants followed by a sharp pain in your side a few moments later.

"Mills Call Finn." I said grabbing my stomach

"Y/n is everything ok?" She asked turning to face you. Once she saw what was happening she gasped

"We'll call him on the way!" She suggested

Once she got you in the car she called Finn

M:Mille  F: Finn

F- hey Mills everything ok?

M- Finn listen to me very carefully ok? Y/N's water broke. I am taking her to the hospital. I need you to meet us there.

F- What?! Oh god, they're early. Ok I got this I'll meet you at the hospital. And I'll call everyone. Is she ok? Are my girls ok? Are you ok?

M- Yes Finn she's ok, everyone is ok. Just get to the hospital.

At the hospital
You and Millie met Finn and Nick at the door. The four of you walked into the hospital together

"Excuse me, we need help my wife is having a baby!" Finn yells and the two of you a escorted into a delivery room while Millie and Nick go wait for everyone else.

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