Your water broke~ Jaeden

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You had a very healthy pregnancy but once you hit 7 months it was know that with your twins they could be here any day now and everyone was excited. Their room was done and the hospital bags were packed and placed in the trunk. You were happy. You and Wyatt's wife happed to be pregnant at the same time but she had already given birth two days ago so you and  Jaeden were going to visit them.

Your POV
After we had walked into the hospital and made it to the elevator I texted Wyatt to let him know we arrived at the hospital and we were on our way up.

"I can't wait for our babies to be here. Don't get me wrong, Wy is my Bestfreind and I love him like he's my brother but I wanna hold my babies already." Jaeden said placing a hand on my bump.

"I know Jae, they should be here any day know." I smiled grabbing his hand as the elevator doors opened. As we were walking to the desk I felt liquid running down my leg and I stopped walking causing Jaeden to slightly jerk backwards since he was holding my hand. He turned to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" He asked

"Either I just peed my pants or my water just broke." I said looking at him with wide eyes.
Neither one of us moved, we were kind of frozen when Jennifer walked over to us

"Oh my god! Y/n did your-" I cut here off with a nod

"Well don't just stand there honey you're in labor." She smiled then a look of realization came across Jaeden's face.

"Oh my god! My wife is in labor! I need a doctor!" He yelled as nurses and doctors came over to the three of you.

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