you get your wisdom teeth pulled

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Title: You get your wisdom teeth removed (Wyatt)

Wyatt's POV

I'm taking care of y/n while her parents are out of town because she got her wisdom teeth removed today. Right now I'm at my house and the it cast is also here waiting for y/n's mom to drop her off.

3rd person point of view

Once you we're dropped off at Wyatt's your mom talked to Jennifer and Doug then she left.

"Hey honey how are you feeling?" Jen asked

"Mom let the doctor steal my tongue away!" You said with tears streaming down your face. She just hugged you.
Wyatt came downstairs to see you crying.

"Aw babe why are you crying?"

"They took my tongue away!" You yelled and wyatt just looked at you trying not to laugh

"Aw baby they didn't take your tongue out I promise. How about we get you some ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" You asked and he nodded pulling you to the kitchen. His mom had wandered off and the it kids had come to the kitchen. You started poking your face and you turned to Sophia


"Honey no they didn't. I promise, it's just numb."she told you

"Well why they do that?"

"So you could get your teeth pulled,remember?" Chosen asked softly

"Ooooh." You laughed then you happily ate the ice cream wyatt gave you.

Time skip

Everyone was sitting in the livingroom watching a movie. You were in between Finn and Wyatt

"Hey, Finn! Don't tell wyatt ok. But I think he's pretty. But  you can't tell him." You said loud enough for everyone to hear you.

"Ok, y/n/n i won't tell him i promise." Finn said and you guys locked pinkys

"Hey, y/n? You know wyatt is your boyfriend right?" Jack asked from the floor. Your eyes went wide and you looked at Wyatt.

"Woah, really?!" You asked shocked and he nodded

"Wyatt? I'm tired." You whispered

"You can go sleep in my room." He said. You nodded and went upstairs.

Time skip

After your nap the laughing gas wore off and your mouth hurt like a bitch. You went to find wyatt but they had fell asleep watching tv.

You went to the kitchen and Doug was in there cooking something while Jen was talking on the phone.

"Hey sweetheart, it's time to take your pain meds. Then you have to change you gauze." Doug told you.

"Ok, thanks Doug." You said grabbing the things you needed from Jen. You took your medicine then you went to the bathroom to change your gauze,once that was done you went to the livingroom and just laid on the couch next to wyatt. He opened his eyes and immediately pulled you into his arms before falling asleep. You took your phone out and went to Instagram to see that the cast had posted videos of you crying because you thought your tongue was gone. You laughed at the video Finn posted of you saying Wyatt was pretty because wyatt was blushing and everyone was laughing. Once you saw all the videos you decided to go back to sleep and you put your phone down before laying your head on Wyatt's chest.

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