you died ( Finn)

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Finn's POV

Y/n an I normally spend our Saturdays together when I'm not filming but today she asked me to stay home. I don't really know why but I agreed anyway. She told me to wait until tomorrow to contact her to see if I can make it a whole day without her. I decided to distract my self with video games and skating around the neighborhood.

The next day.

I excitedly walked down the street to y/n's house and knocked on the door. Her mother answered telling me y/n was in her room. I walked upstairs and opened the door but the sight made me sick to my stomach. My beautiful y/n hanging from a rope. I screamed and her mother ran upstairs

"Oh my god! My baby!" She cried I quickly pulled my phone out to call 911.

Two months later

I've been depressed about the whole situation since it happened but I mean who wouldn't be if they found the love of their life hanging lifeless from her ceiling.

She wrote me a letter but I still can't bring myself to read it.  But I guess I should. I decided to read it in the graveyard so I could be with her when I read it.

To My Dearest Finn,

I know you're probably confused, heartbroken, maybe even angry but I want you to know I have always loved you. Finn you made me so happy but my parents were fighting,the hate was unbelievable, the kids at school were so mean and I just couldn't handle it. I know what I did was selfish but I needed to do it. In time I hope you can forgive me. I love you Finn. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. Just keep in mind if you can survive one day without me you can survive the rest of your life without me. I'll be here when you get here waiting with open arms

- yours truly y/n

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