Try- millie x reader

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Millie x reader

Overview: Millie tries to change everything about herself to attempt to please the fans and it drives her crazy so you write her a song and remind her how amazing she is.

Your POV

Over the last few weeks I have noticed Millie, stressing out, pushing herself to hard, and taking a little bit longer to get ready in the morning. After speaking with the Cast of stranger things and her family everyone decided it would be me who talks to Millie. As I'd probably be the only person she'll willingly open up to. So here I am standing in Millie's living room waiting for her to come out of her room so the two of us can go to our spot on the woods (Abandoned tree houses we found and fixed up together)

 So here I am standing in Millie's living room waiting for her to come out of her room so the two of us can go to our spot on the woods (Abandoned tree houses we found and fixed up together)

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After a while I  decided to go to her room to see what was taking so long.

"Hey Millie? Everything ok?" I asked from outside the door. All I  hear in response in her going through the closet. Sighing I open the door to see her throwing things on the ground with tears in her eyes. I walk over and start picking things up.

"Millie what are you doing?" I asked softly grabbing her hands so she would stop

"I have to look good, I have to be better. If I'm better they will stop, right?! I just have to get better." She said looking around her room

"Millie, who will stop? What do you mean 'be better', what's going on?" I asked softly growing concerned. She pulled her hands out of my grip while laughing.

"Oh, you know who! The fans, y/n if I do better they won't be so rude. All I have to do is talk less in interviews, maybe smile a bit more, I don't know. But whatever it is I'm gonna do it. I'm going to be good enough." She said with wide eyes. In all honesty she sounded crazy and I was scared. She then quickly turned to find some clothes to put on.

"Millie, you don't have to change yourself for them. You're perfect already." I whispered with tears in my eyes. I mean my girlfriend is hurting and obviously has been hurting for a while but I never noticed it was so bad. I don't think anyone thought she could get this bad. We thought it was stress. But this is much worse, she's cracking under the pressure. But I'm gonna help her, we all are.

Once she decided on an outfit she ran to her bathroom.

Once she came out of the bathroom she looked at me in her eyes I could see she was asking if I liked it

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Once she came out of the bathroom she looked at me in her eyes I could see she was asking if I liked it.

"Beautiful as always. Millie we really need to talk." I said grabbing her hand. She nodded

"Ok, you wanna go to our spot or do you want to stay here?" She asked she seemed happier now that she has cored her face in unnecessary make up.

"Let's stay here." I sighed. She nodded and sat on her bed.

"Ok then, what's going on?" She asked sitting down on her bed. I sat next to her.

"Well, um everyone has been noticing how you have been stressing out and over working yourself lately and we all agreed that it was time someone said something. So I need you to be honest with me okay?" She looked shocked.

"You guys were talking about me behind my back?" She said with a hurt look

"Mills it's not like that. We just wanna help you."

"And let me guess, they picked you to talk to me? Are you even here willingly? What is it y/n did my mom put you up to this? May e it was shawn?!" She yelled pacing the room.

"Millie, I'm here because I love you. You're my girlfriend and I want what's best for you. You're gonna go crazy if you keep this up." I said softly trying to calm her down.

"I need to calm down? Why should I? I have a very difficult job you know. It's hard to keep everyone happy." She snapped

"What about you?" I asked

"What? What about me?" She said looking at me from across the room

"Are you happy?" I asked softly. She looked at me for a moment and said nothing. I quietly waited for her answer. After a while she softly said

"I haven't been happy for a very long time. I have my days. But I haven't truly been happy since the comments started. They hate me you know? They say I'm not good enough. That I'm a fake, that I'm self centered, that I'm just this awful person. But I'm not, and the more I try to prove that I care the more they hate me. What did I do wrong? What did I say?" She said dropping to the floor in tears. I quickly scooped her up into my arms and just held her.

"They're just jealous Millie. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met. You fight for your beliefs. You are the role model of so many young people around the world. Don't let the hate get to you. People love you for you. I want you to know that okay?" I said wiping her tears. Eventually she fell asleep in my arms so I put her in her bed.

Over the next few weeks everyone was slowly made aware of what was going on with Millie. She wasn't getting worse but she also wasn't really getting better. In interviews she only speaks when she has to. Only goes to events if she was personally involved or invited. Of course we were all worried but we don't wanna rush her healing process. Since I write music I thought maybe if I wrote her a song it would help. So I had set up a picnic in our special place and I brought my guitar before calling Millie to meet me here. Once she got to the tree house she smiled at me and sat on the blanket.

"What's all this?" She asked

"I thought this would help make you feel better." I said as I started playing the song

As the song ended tears fell down her face and she smiled hugging me.

"I love you so much." She said into my neck.

"I love you too, Millie." I smiled. After we pulled away we immediately began to eat the food I bought then we took a walk before going back to her house and sleeping.

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