You Died(Jeremy)

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Your POV

I was walking in the park with Jeremy and the rest of the losers when I saw a little girl running in the street with a car coming straight at her and it didn't look like it was going to stop in time so I let go of Jeremy's hand and ran to her pushing her twords her mother. The car made impact with my body and kept going. The losers ran over to me with tears in their eyes.

"Finn call 911!" Wyatt yelled trying to push everyone back.


"Yes babe I'm right here, you're gonna be okay. I promise just hang on."

"J-Jer, I'm n-not gonna ma-make it." I said coughing up blood

"Shhh. Of course you are baby. Everything is gonna be okay just hang on." I could hear sirens in the distance

"Jer, I love you so much. I'm sorry." I whispered.

"No,no baby hang on. Come on Y/N, just hang on. There almost here. Please don't leave me."  I put my hand on his cheek and smiled.

"Jeremy, it's gonna be okay. I promise. I love you." I smiled and kissed his hand before everything went black.

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