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It was a regular day of work, joking around with Robin and Steve. I really love this job and I'm so happy that I got it. Right now is my turn to work the counter with Steve while Robin, Dustin, and Erica try to crack the code. Steve was currently trying to hit on a group of girls and I was scooping icecream.

"Hey fatty, make sure you put the right amount of ice cream on my cone. Dont need you trying to eat the whole store before we get our orders!" One of the girls yelled at me. I sighed and continued scooping icecream.

"Hey fatty, I'm talking to you. What are you deaf? Tragic fat and deaf." The group of girls laughed. I felt someone snatch the cone out of my hand and I looked up to see Steve shoving the cone on the girls head.

"What the hell!" She yelled and Robin opened the window to see what was going on.

"Stacy?" Dustin asked confused

"Oh my god you guys are all freaks, sticking up for this blob!" She yelled Dustin and Erica walked around the counter

"Guys come on. This isn't necessary. Wr have work to do. Just leave it-" i started but quickly got cut off by Erica

"No, you may be a huge nerd and you may be super annoying but you're also really cool and barbie over here needs to learn to keep her stupid mouth shut!" She snapped as Robin handed her another icecream cone that she quickly shoved in Stacy's face.

"You and your friends can take your business elsewhere!" Dustin snapped folding his arms across his chest. Stacy and her friends ran out of the icecream parlor. Steve wrapped his arms around me. I just laughed and pushed him away

"You guys really didn't have to do that..." i sighed.

"Uh yeah we did. Little miss priss was being rude." Robin joked high fiving Erica

"Ok, well thank you for sticking up for me. I'm gonna go on break. Robin you're on scoop duty." I said shaking my head

"You said duty!" Steve laughed pointing at me. Dustin grabbed his hand pulling it down to his side.

"Dude! No." He whispered. I just shook my head again and walked away.

I decide to wonder around the food court and think about what Stacy and her friends had said. But I  walked over to the bathrooms and quickly went inside as tears fell down your face. I looked at myself in the mirror crying.

"They were right, I'm fat. I can't believe I didn't see it before."

"That's not true ya know." Steve said leaning against the doorway. I quickly wiped my tears.

"Oh hey Steve!" I said with a forced smile. He shook his head and walked forward.

"You don't have to fake your emotions y/n, it's okay to be sad. I won't judge you." He said hugging me.

"You might not but other people will. I just wanna understand Steve. I know I'm not as pretty as other girls but why do they have to be so mean." I cried

"Because they're jealous. Y/n you were with out a doubt one of the most beautiful girls in our class. You don't give yourself enough credit." He said softly

"You think I'm pretty?"

"No I think you're beutiful. Nothing you do could prove otherwise."

"Even right now. When I'm a crying mess?"

"Especially right now. You're real. And you're beautiful."

"You're amazing Steve Harrington."

"As are you, y/n l/n. One of the best." He kissed my forehead and lead me back to  the icecream parlor holding my hand.

"Oh my god! Henderson I think he did it!" Robin yelled looking at our hands. Dustin and Erica opened the back window cheering

"Dude! Did you do it?!" He asked

"Do what?" I asked confused

"Did Steve finally ask you out?!" Erica asked I shook my head

"Oops." They all said as we all looked at Steve who was trying to avoid my eyes. I laughed and let go of his hand to grab his face forcing him to look at me.

"Hey." He said softly

"Hey." I whispered

"Wanna be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to Harrington." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"IT'S HAPPENING! OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING!" Dustin yelled running around like a headless chicken Erica threw a banana at his head and he stopped

"Hey nerd! Shut up we know." She said high fiving Robin. Dustin sat on the floor rubbing his head.

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