Your water broke~Noah

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You didn't even notice in all honesty you were in the kitchen grabbing a snack and it was about 4am.

You were waddling around eating grapes with Nutella when you stepped in a puddle that hadn't been there before. You walked over to turn the lights on as you heard Noah walking down the stairs

"Hey, what are you doing up?" He asked in a tired voice as he rubbed his eye.

"I was getting a snack but I think I spilled some water or something." You explained confused as he nodded along before he fully opened his eyes to look at you.

"Actually babe I think you peed?" He said softly and you looked down horrified

"Noah that's not pee..." you gasped grabbing your stomach and he looked shocked

"But she's not due for another week?!" He yelled

"Well clearly she doesn't care about that." You joked as you both ran up to your room to grab the bags and your phones so you could call everyone to meet you at the hospital

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