Your water broke~ Caleb

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The twins were actually three weeks late and Caleb was beginning to worry.

But he made sure that everything was set for whenever you went into labor, the bags were packed into the car,your parents were on speed dial, and the nursery was set up for when you returned home with the help of Gaten and Chosen.

Caleb was sitting on the couch reading a parenting book while you were doing a workout his mom had showed you. She said it would limit labor pains as well as help speed the process.

You were mid squat when you felt your water break and you gasped

"Caleb!" You yelled causing him to immediately jump up and help you to the car. He called both your parents and his on the way to the hospital as well as Chosen who promised to inform your friends.

Once you got to the hospital there was a nurse waiting with a wheelchair because apparently your mom called to let them know about your arrival.

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