chubby reader and Jack

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Your Point of view

I've recently been getting alot of hate on social media not only for being with Jack but because of my weight. I used to ware really baggy clothes so people wouldn't notice but being with Jack made me feel confident so I started wearing things that were tighter on my body.

Right now I'm scrolling through the Instagram hashtag #y/nisoverparty and at first I thought it was a joke but I saw alot of edits about my weight and I started to cry.

"Hey babe? You in there?" Jack yelled from outside my bedroom door. I looked down at myself and noticed I was wearing sweatpants and a croptop.

"Yeah, just a second." I called back before I quickly wiped my tears and put on my oversized hoodie. Then I went and opened the door.

"Hey Jacky, how are you?"

"I'm good babe how are you?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist but I quickly stepped back. He looked at me confused

"Y/n? Everything okay?" He asked trying to make eye contact with me but I looked away nodding with a fake smile.

"Well um, ok. If you say so. Do you still wanna go to Wyatt's pool party today?" He asked you mentally cursed trying to come up with an excuse

"Um I think I'll skip it I have a headache and I'm not feeling to well." I said and Jack put his hand on my forehead

"You feel fine. Are you sure nothing else is bothering you? Ya know you can talk to me right." He said trying to hug me again but I pushed him away again.

"I'm fine Jack, god! Why cant you just leave me alone?!" I snapped and he looked hurt

"I- i... um I'm sorry, I just wanted to- I thought that...." his voice trailed off and he had tears in his eyes. I just looked at him and he shook his head.

"I'll just leave me later." He said softly with a sad expression before leaving your room. You shut the door and leaned against it's you let tears fall down your face.

Time skip

Jack's POV

I was sitting in my room with Finn and Wyatt talking about what happened with Y/n.

"And she just yelled at you?" Wyatt asked confused

"Yeah, do you think I did something wrong? Maybe I hurt her feelings or something. I should apologize right? But I don't even know what I did."

"Maybe you didn't do anything. Maybe she was just upset." Finn said

"No, I had to have done something I mean she yelled at me Finn. She literally never does that." I sighed pulling my hair.

"Dude I found it!" Wyatt said looking at his phone.

"Wyatt now really isn't the time for memes." I groaned

"No idiot I found the reason she's upset." He said handing me his phone. It was open to Instagram and #y/nisoverparty I looked through it and it was just rude comments and hate about her weight, her career, her looks, and our relationship

"Dude she's insecure." Finn whispered

"There's no way she's insecure. Y/n is the most beautiful girl in the world."

"You may believe that but that doesn't mean she does. You gotta talk to her man." Wyatt said taking his phone back. I immediately put my shoes on and ran to her house. I knocked on the door and her mom let me in.

"Hi hon, she's up in her room." I nodded smiling before running to her room. I opened the door to see her on her bed crying.

"Aww baby. Don't cry, please just talk to me. Tell me how to help you. I wanna help you." I said pulling her into my arms.

"They hate me Jack. Why do they hate me?" She whispered I wiped her tears.

"I don't know baby. People like that say mean stuff just to make themselves feel better. But I can promise you that I love you inside and out and so does your family and our friends. We're here for you. Always." I said

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. You didn't deserve that." She said looking at me.

"It's okay. I understand why you did it. But why didn't you just tell me you were feeling insecure."

"I didn't want you to think less of me. "

"Y/n I would never think less of you. I love you. I'll always love you." I said then I kissed her. She smiled

"Thank you. I love you too."

"Now about that pool party? You still wanna skip it?" I asked and she shook her head before she ran to change. She came back in shorts and a yellow cropped shirt an a black bikini underneath. I smiled and grabbed her hand.

"Ready?" I asked softly


Time skip

Wyatt's party was in full swing. I was standing in the pool with my arms wrapped around y/n's waist as we talked to the cast. She looked happy and if she's happy I'm happy.

Requested by powerlinecut1

I hope this is kinda similar to what you wanted it to be 💕💕

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