Telling your families

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It wasn't really a big surprise. Finn had brought up the idea of Nick being an uncle and his family was happy with the idea of you two having a baby.  Your family was equally happy and they both thought you two would make great parents. So one day when the two of you had your parents over for dinner you decided it was time to tell them.
"So, were having a baby." Finn said looking at you with a smile
"That's wonderful!" Eric cheered

He accidentally let it slip when he was cooking with his mom one day. You were at a doctor's appointment with Sophia because you wanted to give Jaeden a break.
"So where's Y/n?"
"Oh she's at a doctor's appointment."
"She's been having a lot of appointments recently, everything ok?" Angela asked concerned
"Oh, yeah it's just to check up on the baby." He answered without looking up from the carrots he was cutting up
"Baby?!" His mom yells smiling

Both of your moms knew before you did. You showed all the signs of pregnancy and you even had a bit of a bump. Jay offered to take you to the doctor and you agreed. Turns out you were a few months pregnant and everyone was really happy about it.

You never actually told your families. Not because you didn't want too but because with both of you being actors and very busy people, you just never really got to telling your families. Both your parents found out when Finn and Jack called them from the hospital.
"Hey mom, so Y/n is in labor!"
"Yea momma she's having the baby!"
"What baby?! Jack we didn't even know she was pregnant!"
"Oh well um, come to the hospital quick!"

Ronnie knew before Chosen. She helped out plan how to tell him. The two of you went to the store and got all the stuff to make his favorite dinner.
"So what's all this for?" He asked once he saw the meal and the fact that his mother and his older sister were visiting.
"I'm pregnant!" You yelled happily and he jumped up to hug you.

Neither of you can remember when your parents found out, the whole process was a bit overwhelming for you. As you weren't married yet and you didn't know what to do. Let's just say the baby's due date was 9 months after your 4 year anniversary and you guys were only about 21 years old....

He was scared so he went to his mom for advice. He didn't know if he could be a good dad.
"Mom? Y/n is pregnant..." he whispers
"Well you don't sound excited."
"That's because I'm terrified, what if I can't do it? What if my kid hates me or something? What if I can't be a real parent?"
"Honey, there are always gonna be what if's, but you still have to try. Right? And no one is an A+ parent, we just do our best with the tools we have."

You guys had been married for about 3 years now and everyone knew how much you wanted a baby but the doctors said it wasn't possible so when by some miracle you managed to get pregnant, you immediately told everyone. You guys called your friends and your family and you told them the news. Everyone was so happy for the two of you.

He accidentally mentioned the baby in a livestream that your mom and his sister both happened to be watching. Word spread pretty fast but everyone was really happy for you.

You two had been wanting to adopt a baby for awhile and one day while you on set visiting Millie, you got a call saying there was a baby that needed to be fostered and you eventually adopted them.

You already had three kids but when your social worker called and said another little boy needed a home you two jumped at the opportunity.

You had been fostering a little 4 year old boy named Frankie for almost a year when you had decided to finally adopt him and make it official.

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