how they act when you're sick

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He acts like you're dying and he won't leave your side
"Finn let me go to the bathroom in peace!" I yelled slamming the door
"What if something goes wrong?"he whined while hitting the door
"Finn I'm not dying I just have a small cold!"
"Fine!" He said sitting outside the door

His mom makes you soup and he brings it over and watches movies with you.
"Mom made you soup and I picked up some med and your favorite movie."
"You're the best Wy."

He is sick with you. Finn got you both sick
"Noah,did you take your medicine?"
"Yeah did you take yours?"
"Mhm, wanna take a nap?"

He cooks for you
"Babe I made you some tea and soup" he said walking into your room only to see you were sleeping
"Aww my baby." He cooed

She was away filming so she facetimed you and sang you to sleep.

You didn't tell him you were sick so when you guys were hanging out and you started throwing up he instantly drove you home and made you take a nap while he called his mom to help him cook for you

You were sick he was out with Caleb and Sadie but when he called you and you sounded sick he instantly went to the store to pick up some medicine and he stayed with you until you got better

You were at work and you got sick so you called him and he picked you up and took care of you till you were better

You went on vacation with her and her family and her little sister got you sick so she sat in the hotel room with you watching movies

Soup is his answer to everything. He is constantly making soup
"Jea I just want some water please"
"But this will make you feel better!"
"Babe I just ate soup like 3 minutes ago!"

He cooks for you and accidentally gives you both food posing so he calls his mom and she takes care of you guys

You went on an adventure with Jack and you came back with hypothermia so she calls the losers to help take care of the two of you
"Why do we let you two out of our sight?!" Chosen asked shaking his head
"I'm so cold!" You whined
"You have six blankets, a onesie,a sweater,and it's almost 100 degrees (farenheit)in here but you're cold?!" Finn asked shocked
"She has hypothermia Finn ofcourse she's cold" Sophia snapped hugged you

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