you died(Millie)

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You are a famous actress and you were known for doing all of your own stunts so when the director of your newest movie told you that you were gonna be strapped into a harness and be 50+ feet in the air you thought nothing of it.

The movie was about a group of teenagers who on their 14th birthdays they find that they have powers so they are sent to a special school to learn about them. In this scene your character finds out that she can fly everything was going according to plan until the one of the cables that were holding you up decided to snap.

"The cable just broke!" Someone yelled

"Y/N DON'T PANIC WE'RE GONNA GET YOU DOWN!" The director yelled into the megaphone you looked up to see the other cables slowly tearing

"Hurry! I'm gonna fall!" You yelled into my body mic. You looked down to see everyone running around in panic but then another cable snapped leaving your body to hang upside down. Everyone started screaming but still didn't seem to be making any efforts to get you down. Before you knew it the last two cables snapped and your body started to fall rapidly and eventually everything went black.

Millie's POV

I got a call from Y/N's agent saying she was in an accident on set and I needed to get to the hospital. Once I arrived they told me what happened and I began to cry into Paige's arms(her older sister if you didn't know). They ran some test and discovered that Y/N was not only in a coma but she was also brain dead, meaning I'll never get to see her amazing eyes, hear that beautiful laugh, send days with her, we will never get to do all of the things we planned to do because she was never gonna wake up.

"What do we do?" I asked her mom/dad/guardian

"Millie honey, they say she's in pain. That there's nothing left to do. We can either leave her on that machine forever or we can let her...let...her g-go... " they responded

"No there has to be something they can do! I love her. We had plans for the future, dreams. How am I supposed to do this without her. I need her!" I cried more

"Honey I know it's hard but she's in pain we have to do what's best for her."

"Can I say goodbye?"

"Of course take your time."

Once I was alone in y/n's hospital room I walked over to her bed and grabbed her hand.

"Hey love, it's me Millie. I don't know if you can hear me or not but I want to to know that the time I spent with you has best amazing. I will never forget the memories we made and you will always be in my heart. I'm so sorry your life was taken from you. You should have never been doing that scene without the proper training and safety measures. I know that you wouldn't want me to sit around and cry over you but please give me some time. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know I'm rambling but I've never been good at goodbyes. I don't think it's fully hit home toe that you're gonna be gone soon. I don't know how I'm gonna handle this. But I know that I love you. And I know that I would give anything to be able to look into your eyes and tell you one last time just how much you mean to me. Bye y/n forever and always. " I said before kissing her forehead softly. I walked out of the room slowly and then I went home and ran up to my room in tears. I made a heart felt post on Instagram to inform the fans and cried myself to sleep.

A/N: I know this wasn't very good I just kinda lost the idea like halfway through writing it....sorry

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