How they/you Proposed

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He takes you to your favorite restaurant and has everything set up really nice. Then after your food arrives he decides it's time and he gets on one knee in front of you.

"Y/n, god where do I even start? I love you, I have loved you from the moment I  met you. And I will continue to love you for the rest of my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I'd love nothing more than to have the chance to call you my wife. What do you say? Will you be my Mrs. Jacobs?"


It was the most casual proposal ever. You guys were with some friends at his house watching a movie and the characters got engaged so he turns to you and he asked you to marry him.

"Hey babe, we should get married." He said softly and you looked at him smiling


"I'm sorry did you two just get engaged?" Jack asked confused

"That was so cute!" Finn said fake crying on Chosen


You were at a panel during SDCC for a Sufi show that you were in. It was time to answer fan questions but when you looked at the microphone stand it was your boyfriend holding a sign that says

'Y/N will you marry me?♡♡'

You jumped off the stage and ran into his arms as everyone cheered

" that a yes??" He asked nervously and you nodded


He got nervous so he just gave you the ring and ran off.

You and Jack were buying snacks for your upcoming birthday party and Jack seemed really nervous

"Jack are you ok??" You asked he just nodded rapidly and took something out off his pocket, placing it in your hand before he ran down the isle. You opened you hand to see a ring box and you smiled

"Y/n? Will you marry me....please?" You heard from the next isle

"Of course I will. Now get back over here."


It was at the pirmere of his newest movie on the carpet.

You and Finn had just arrived and you were taking pictures when all of a sudden he gets down on one knee and looks up at you.

"Y/n, you have given me nothing but endless happiness in the last 4 years and I would like nothing more than to have you as my wife. What do you say?" He asked hopefully and you nodded with tears in your eyes and you pulled him to his feet and kissed him.


You proposed at Disney land

You both went to Disney land with the cast of It 2017 and a reunion type get together. While you were walking around you both turned to each other and you both pulled out rings then you started laughing

"So you wanna get married?" He joked 

"Yea, do you?" You laughed as you both slipped your rings on


It was backstage during the after party of a Broadway show you both had just finished. You guys originally met on the set of lion king years ago and became friends, then you began to date around the time season three of stranger things was being filmed. Fast forward three years later, you're here

"Y/n...can I talk to you?" He asked smiling. You nodded and he took you over to the side. You didn't notice everyone recording the moment but he did.

"Is everything okay?" You asked

"Never better."

"Then what did you need to talk about?" He took a deep breath and got down on one knee

"Y/n, in all my life I have never met someone more amazing and more perfect for me then you. We we first met during rehearsals for lion King I knew I'd have a crush on you. You were so beautiful. Then you agreed to be my bestfriend and I was over the moon. Fast forward some years, and I finally figured out that I fell for you. I don't know when, and I don't know how but you fell for me too. Then I asked you to be my girlfriend and for some reason you said yes. I was overwhelmed with emotions because I got the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, and selfless girl to be my girlfriend. And everyday I have fallen more and more in love with you. So I ask you today, in front of all our friends, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, yes!" You said crying


It was kind of an unspoken agreement between the two of you. He saw a ring that he thought would look perfect on you, so he bought it.

"Y/n I got you something while I was at the mall"

"Noah this is an engagement ring."

"I know, but it looked nice."

"Yes, it's beutiful."

"Did you two just get engaged?" Chloe asked and you both just nodded and continued on with your day.


You planned it with his sister. He was away filming for a moive and he was coming home today. Carmen and Sabrina went to pick him up  while stayed home and made his favorite meal. They dropped him off at your shared home and he came inside to you adding the finishing touches to everything.

"Hey babe, what's the occasion?" He asked hugging you.

"I wanna ask you something..." you said nervous. He nodded grabbing your hands

"Gaten..I love you, so much. I have always loved you."

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asked with a heart broken look on his face.

"Did I do something wrong, am I gone to much, did I forget something again? Please don't leave me, i-" you cut off his rant

"GATEN! I'm not breaking up with you." You said trying to calm him down

"Your not?" He asked and you shook your head

"I was trying to ask you to marry me." You said smiling

"Oh my god, yes! Of course I wanna marry you."


You took her to the beach and you guys had a picnic. She was reaching for something in the cooler when she found the ring

"Y/n is this an engagement ring?" She asked smiling

"Aw Millie that was supposed to be a suprise." You blushed

"Well I love the thought behind it." She kissed your cheek

"So I'd that a yes?" You asked and she nodded hugging you.


It was never really a question. From the moment the two of you got together you knew you guys were going to get married some day. So when you guys found matching engagement rings at the jewelry store, you bought them and wore them around.


She took you to the place where you first met. And she sang you a song then she asked you to marry her.

The two of you were traveling for a press tour because you both star in a new Netflix series together. While you guys where in Miami she suggested the toy go visit the cute little coffee shop where you met. Once you get there she begins to softly sing 'how long will I love you' by Ellie Goulding. By the time she's done she's on one knee with a ring in her hand.

"I love you, now and forever. Will you marry me?" She asked and you nodded happily.

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