10. The Wedding

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Mandy’s POV

I woke up at Alisha’s house, realizing that today Val and Matt were getting married and I had to walk down the aisle with Brian.

I went downstairs to make some coffee, but all the girls were down there already. Michelle and Val were getting along pretty well which wasn’t normal at all, but I guess she wasn’t going to let anything ruin her day.

“Nice of you to join me on my wedding day.” Val smiled while sipping her coffee.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t sleep good at all.”

All the girls turned to look at me and I couldn’t help, but put on a fake smile. I couldn’t ruin Val’s day.

“I’ll be alright, now let’s go get you ready to get married.” All the girls cheered and we went back upstairs where Linzi was waiting, she was going to help Gena get us all ready.

It hadn’t taken almost 6 hours for all of us to have our hair and makeup done. We were all in our dresses all that was left was for Val to put her dress on. Things had been going pretty smoothly, me and Michelle had actually exchanged a few nice words.

As we lined up at the top of the stair case all the groomsmen were waiting at the bottom. Matt was already outside with all of the guests and I knew that he was anxious to see Val.

Alisha would be walking out with alone and right before Val. We had decided to leave Joel with Matt so he wouldn’t go crazy.

I looked down to see Brian waiting for me, I knew this was what we had to do, but I couldn’t look him the eye, things weren’t as bad as he thought, they were worse.

Then the music started playing..

Brian’s POV

The music began to play and I just watched Mandy walk down to me, I needed her in my life she was the one that I loved and I knew that no matter what she always would be, but she didn’t want to be with me.

I led her to the alter and we parted. I didn’t know what I felt, I wasn’t angry anymore, I was just hurt.

Matt’s POV

I waited for Val, impatiently, I couldn’t wait for her to be my wife. Then Alisha walked up and the music changed. This was it. I was about to marry the girl I had loved my entire life.

The minister looked at Val’s dad and asked. “And who gives this beautiful bride away?”

“My wife and I do.” He smiled and gave Val a hug before handing her off to me. We walked up the steps and the minister continued.

“I understand the two of you wrote your own vows?” We nodded. He gestured towards me and I grabbed her hands.

“Val when you walked into my life you changed everything, I realized how empty it was without you, my life is no longer capable of keeping me happy without you. I love everything about. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else and if you say yes I won’t have to. You look beautiful by the way.” I smiled.

She already had tears in her eyes and I was beyond happy to have her with me, then the minister gestured for her to speak.

“Matt you taught me what it truly means to be in love. I can’t possibly put into words how much I love you. There is no one in this world like you. Our love will never waver. This I vow to you. Today and always.”

The priest then began to speak, “Valary, do you take this man to be thy wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” She smiled at me.

“Matthew, do you take this woman to be thy wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

“The rings please.” I turned around to Joel and he handed me the ring, while Val turned to Alisha.

I slipped the ring onto Val’s finger.

“Val, this ring symbolizes my desire for you to be my wife from this day forward.”

“Matt, this ring symbolizes my desire for you to be my husband from this day forward.”

I looked at the minister anxiously. “By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

I held her in my arms, my now wife, I was on cloud nine, the cheers and applause was now in the background. We faced our friends and family and the priest introduced us officially.

“Friends and family, I introduce to you for the first time, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sanders.”

We made our way down the aisle with Alisha and Joel right behind us.

Joel’s POV

I looked at Alisha as we made our way inside to the reception. “They are great together aren’t they?”

She nodded with a smile.

The dinner went by pretty quickly and the bride and groom were about to have their first dance. Then it was time to party.

Mandy’s POV

I went to my room in Alisha’s house to get away from everyone, especially Brian. But a few minutes later he was there with me.

“Are you ok?” He sat across from me.

“No I’m not ok. I miss us. The way things used to be.”

“I do to, but you gave up on us.”

I sighed, “I didn’t give up on us Brian. You did. When you didn’t want to wait.”

“I did?! I think you gave up on me! You didn’t think I could do it! You didn’t think the band could make it! Maybe you just didn’t care because it wasn’t about you or what you wanted.”

I stood up and walked over to my stereo and I picked up Avenged Sevenfold’s first album. “Well if that’s true. If I never cared, then how come every time I see this stupid album, I buy it every stupid damn time Brian?!” I started throwing all the albums at him. He looked surprised.

“Well why didn’t you fight for me Mandy?! Huh?! It seems like every time things are tough between us you find something to run away from.”

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore Brian.”

“Then what do you wanna do here? Because you can’t expect for us to walk around here like nothing is wrong. I thought that maybe you wanted security, to know for sure that I loved you and Michelle wouldn’t come between us and I understood that, but this, the way you’re acting I don’t understand.”

“I don’t know what to tell you anymore.”

“Why don’t we start with the truth.”

“You’re gonna hate me.”

“I could never hate you Mandy.”

“You will.”

“What is it Mandy?”

“I slept with Tal before you proposed.”

“You’re right I do hate you.” He walked out and I fell to the ground, completely crushed. I had never seen Brian look at me that way. Pure disappointment, disgust and hate.

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