32. Where is the feeling we used to know?

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Matt’s POV

I got to the hospital and was rushing to see Mandy when Val stood in front of me with sadness in her eyes. “We need to talk before you see Mands.” I nodded and we walked outside.

She sat down on a bench and I sat with her. “Babe, what’s going on?”

The tears had begun to fall and pulled her into my arms, but she pushed me away. “I can’t.”

I was beyond confused. “Can’t what? Let me hold you?”

She shook her head. “Matt I love you, you know that, but I can’t do this anymore.”

“Val what are you talking about? Do what?” She couldn’t contain her sobs and she wouldn’t let me touch her.

“This. Us. You running off to save the world and be the hero is killing me. I don’t know what to do. I just don’t see it anymore, our future together. The story of us seems a lot like a fairytale now.” She laughed when she realized what she said.

“Did you just quote Taylor Swift?” I smiled trying to make light of the situation. I don’t think my brain had processed what was going on yet.

She wiped her tears and smiled. “Now is the problem me quoting Taylor Swift, or you knowing that I quoted Taylor Swift.”

I laughed. “Okay, that’s not fair you know Robin walks around singing to her at the top of her lungs!”

The silence then fell between us and we knew this was the end. There wasn’t going to be a Matt and Val anymore.

“So this is it?” I asked.

She nodded. “I think so.” I pulled her into my arms and kissed her gently on the forehead.

“I will always be here for you.” She pulled away from me and walked back inside without looking back.

Had my marriage really just ended? Were me and Val really done. I didn’t know what to think. I walked back inside and gestured for Zacky to follow me. Val was nowhere to be seen; I imagined she had gone to see Jimmy and Leana.

Zacky’s POV

I walked with Matt to Brian’s room and we walked in to see only Papa Gates in there. Matt then sat down and started crying. I walked over to him and Papa Gates looked up surprised.

“Shads what’s going on?” I asked worriedly, it was a very rare moment when Matt let someone see him cry.

“Val just ended our marriage.” I looked at Papa Gates and we exchanged the same look of shock. I didn’t say anything else I simply mouthed ‘I’ll be back’ to Papa Gates and walked out.

I walked into the waiting room and grabbed Johnny. “Matt needs us.”

He nodded. “I text Jimmy and Brian to come back to Brian’s room.”

I had only been gone about two minutes, but Matt already seemed worse. Him and Val had been together for most of our lives, I knew this was killing him.

Benji’s POV

I sat in the waiting room once again. Alisha and Brian were with Mandy. I had no clue where everyone else was. I could feel something was going on though. Things were just a mess and there was nothing we could do about it. Soon Lacey and Alex were in the room and Alex looked like she had been crying.

I didn’t feel like dealing with her right now, so I got up and walked outside. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

“Hey, you still in town?”

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