Chapter 2 Hello

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Sophias POV

"So dan I've heard you've got a sister" all I had to hear was that and instantly recognise that familiar voice,I mean even dan knows there would be no way I could not recognise that and even though I'm hidden in my room,I can still hear his voice clearer then ever. "Ofcourse you would want to know what michael you perve" I recognise the voice from calum say, I mean there isent that much of an age gap and I most certainly wouldent say no but dan certainly would. "Yes I do but she isent in" is what I manage to get from dan, he practically shouted it as to say "you better stay in your room or I will lock you away". Half of me had every intention to walk downstairs and show michael dans sister but my other half is cowering in my bedroom knowing that dan probably wouldent speak to me for about a year.

I spend the next 5 minutes listening to a pointless conversation where between every sentence michael let's out about how everyone should order pizza and luke is like no and believe me when I say this,this went on and on until michael got his way, I must say,I like a man who gets what he wants. My mind begins to wonder off into thoughts about everything , you see sometimes I feel like it would be a lot easier if I lived back with my parents , I wouldent have to be banished everytime dan needed me out the house but that doesent mean good things haven't happened since I've lived here.

My thoughts are interupted with the sudden urge to pee which is highly inconveniant because I'm assuming they don't know I'm in but if I get up and go out my room they will, well dan is going to kill me. I slowly stand up and take slow steps towards the door being careful to open it while making no sound what so ever ,I'm trying to be is careful that I don't take in my surroundings and end up trying over one of dans shoes,typical in my time of need life is against me.

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