Chapter 29 I'm sorry

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Sophias POV;

I slowly shut the door behind me as I walk into the house the memories of the last night filling my mind , I walk into my house unsure of whether dan will be home yet because apparently I have no idea of what he does lately. I walk into the silent house and walk upstairs throwing my coat in my room before walking to dans room slowly,I know that ill have to speak to him soon and I can't keep delaying it, not knowing whether he's in there or not I open the door to reveal an empty room , as I go to shut the door a voice makes me a jump and I turn around

"What are you doing in my room?" Dan asks looking straight at me putting me on the spot

"I was..just seeing if you were in..we kind of..need to speak" I stutter out shutting his door properly

"Yes we do need to speak" he agrees slowly following me down the stairs into the kitchen

"Dan I'm sorry for lying, I know that It was wrong ,the whole entire time I felt bad because I hate lying to you, I hated not telling you because I love talking to you and telling you things then getting your opinion but I couldent do that and it hurt because your opinion means a heck of a lot to me" I say fiddling with my hands trying to put together my next sentence in my head .

"Do you like him?" Dan asks sitting down at the table

"I ..I do " I admit

"Why dident you tell me sophia,it hurts me because I thought that you came to me all the time and never lied to me , ofcourse I would of been cautious because your my little sister but I'm more annoyed now then I ever would of been" he says letting out a sigh

"I was scared to tell you,your always so protective over me and I was scared that maybe if I told you,you would of flipped out and I dident want to make you angry" I confess playing with the bottom of the hair nervously

"So he likes you back?" Curiousity fills his tone of voice

"I guess so" I say flicking on the kettle

"So are you two like together?" Dan asks running a hand through his hair , I suddenly think because although we've had this chat I don't quite know what we are

"Uh well I'm not too sure, I don't think so" I say shrugging grabbing two mugs from the cupboard.

"You know he's leaving soon right?" He points out and I give him a slight nod

"I was trying to forget that" I sigh because now I know I won't stop thinking about it

"I'm sorry.." He apologizes "so it is going to be like a long distance relationship?" He asks like he now supports me and michael which is well...rather weird

"You know those things never work" I say because quite frankly they hardly ever do because time difference and all of that difficult stuff getting in the way .

"You could of fallen for anyone and you fall for my friend that happens to live half way across the world" dan says almost taking joy in this

"Yes I know, I can't help who I like dan" I say slightly annoyed "and now he's going to leave here and forget all about me but I guess that would make you happy right because you don't want me and michael together and I can tell , but you don't have to worry about that because its over , I won't see him any more, not like I really have a choice" I say running upstairs my mind all over the place ,my eyes filling with tears but yet he doesent follow, he doesent run up and tell me "its okay you can be with him" he doesent tell me that I can see him but what did I expect,did I really think he'd let me like michael? Maybe for a slight second I did but I won't make that mistake again.

I pick up my phone and bring up michaels number , I try to control the tears spilling out of my eyes but I only fail

"Babe?" I hear on the other end , I take a deep breath

"Michael we can't see eachother anymore" I let out my words stuttering

"W..what do you mean?" He answers quietly

"We can't do this, there's no point because its going to go nowhere, were trying for no reason " I say wiping away the tears

"Please don't do this, we can still try, we can text,phone call and skype and all that stuff please we can atleast try" he begs and I cry harder because it hurts letting him go

"Please don't cry " he pleads which only makes me cry harder

"Forget me michael, I'm sorry" I whisper loud enough for him to hear before hanging up , walking downstairs crying

"There,done ,you've got what you want"

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