Chapter 19 If Only

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Michaels POV

I'm a person who doesent really regret a lot of things but in this situation,I'm regretting it a lot. I have a reason for what I said,I dident just say it to be a dick but I can't help but think of what I said and realise that it came out all wrong but so right. Its been two days since its happened and I haven't heard from sophia since but I know that she hasent told dan what happened and the whole situation because we've been texting .I've attempted to send her a million texts but every word sounds wrong to me and I back out. Thinking about it is driving me crazy,ofcouse what I said was a lie and as soon as I said it I wanted to take it all back but I simply couldent.

I can't help but think that maybe sophias waiting for me to text her but then again she could be currently hoping I don't . I pick up my phone and bring up her number , I select the text section and think about what to say. Suddenly my mind goes blank,all this time I've known what to say but as soon as I go to write it down it all disapears from my mind. I know that I should text her, I can't keep backing out but I don't want to make things worse.

Evenutally I reassure my self and type down what ever comes to mind


'So we need to talk x'

Is all I come up with but I send it slightly satisfied knowing that its the best ill come up with for now . I keep my phone by my side waiting anxiously,what if she doesent reply?,what if she sends me back something awful or something along those lines because that'll hurt a lot , I know I hurt her but I did it to help and it completely backfired.

Its about an hour before sophia replies


'Do we? Because you made it very clear about your feelings'

I re-read the message at least 5 times , my mind is literally screaming 'tell her the truth' but the truth hurts and right now I'm in pain.


'Please hear me out,just listen to what I have to say and if you still don't want to know me after then I completely understand but I just need to tell you because what I said ,it wasent true'

This isent exactly how I wanted to do this,I'd rather person over text but right now ,I'd take anything.


'If its not the truth then what is michael because I'm confused and hurt'

It actually hurts knowing that I've hurt her,it hurts knowing I've hurt anyone but especially,there's just something about her .


'I like you okay,ofcourse I do but I started to panic okay because me falling for you isent good,I promised that I would stay away from you but I can't because I constantly want to be near you all the time'

This,this was easy to type,it came naturally because I knew what I need to say,I knew what I wanted to say.

It isent long before I receive a reply,infact it was almost instantly


'You promised? '

Now I'm stuck,if I tell sophia that her own brother made me promise to stay away from her,she'll go mad


'Dan made me promise but you can't tell him because I'd very much like to carry on seeing you '

The next few minutes leave me waiting anxiously , I hope and hope that she doesent say anything to dan because he'll make me stay away from her.

From Sophia;

'So you like me?"

I smile as I read this,because I've never been like this before, this feeling is completely new to me and in some ways,I don't know how to control it.


'I very much do '

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