Chapter 7 Hello

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Michaels POV

So dan invited us over to hang and I'm abit distracted to say the least,I haven't seen sophia yet and I don't doubt that dan has forced her out of the house,its abit weird that he does that but hey ho protective brother stuff I guess. I don't know what it is abit sophia,there's just something about her that intrigues me,she doesent really let much out about her self so its almost like she's a puzzle and I'm always up for a challenge. "Michael,michael,snap out of it michael" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by ashton clicking his fingers in my face repeating the same sentence.

"What's got you so distracted?" Calum asks with a raised eyebrow,I honestly don't know why I can't stop thinking about a girl who I barely know,for all I know she could have a boyfriend or something along that lines. "Nothing,just daydreaming" I manage to reply before sitting up to show I'm paying attention.

As soon as I start paying attention I begin to hear movement upstairs which weirdly gave me some sort of relief feeling . I look up and see sophia walk down the stairs,before I even get the chance to look a little longer I feel dans stare burning into my skin like he's sending me some kind of message which I'm assuming is 'stay away from my sister', just a guess I'm not a genius or anything..

"What are you guys doing?" Sophia says rather quietly before sitting down next to me ,I would of been more flattered if that wasent the only seat left in the room .

"Were just playing video games" dan replys quickly,not giving anyone else the chance to answer.

I watch her facial expression as she searches for an extra controller.

"You can't play with us soph" dan says,his eyes fixed on the tv

"Yes I can" she argues back irritated

"No you cannot" he answers

"Why?" She whines back crossing her arms

"Because there's no more controllers" he laughs back and she drops her arms in defeat.

I let out a laugh and pass her the controller in my hand

"You play,I keep losing anyway" I say receiving a smile


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