Chapter 3 Busted

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Dans POV

"So this is my sister sophia.." ,there was no way I was going to be able to lie about the massive noise upstairs and questions were being fired at me from every direction which resorted in me bringing her downstairs which believe you me,I was not too happy about. "I thought normal people dident lock their family away" ashton spoke leaving the room in fits well everyone but me . You see there's a reason I don't let sophia be there when I make videos or have any guests that are possibly going to be in videos,it sounds cliche but she is my sister,if she was all up on the internet I couldent bare the thought of her getting hate or anything like that but I never say this to her because all she does is make up excuses which most of the time I fail to listen to.

"So sophia,you'll be hanging around with us more often then?" Michael spoke making me turn my head to face him,giving him that look of 'don't you dare'. "I mean 5 minutes ago we dident even know that you existed and we all know that's dans fault" michael felt the need to add that on,I know where he's going with this because I know michael and I know michaels type . "No she's not,she's got things to do and people to see" I say turning to head to sophia in the hope that she will agree and this nightmare will be over.

"I guess I can stay for a while" and this ladies and gentleman is why you don't have a younger sister,ever. "Great,you can sit next to me" michael replys tapping the seat on the sofa next to him while she slowly walks over , its safe to say things don't always go to plan. The next 20minutes was spend on catching up with the lads,I hadent really met them before and we had only really spoken on social networking sites but they were going to be spending a lot more time in england so we were planning to meet a lot more.

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