Chapter 10 Honestly

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Sophias POV

So after telling michael last night that lukes my favourite he hasent spoken to me since and considering the fact he spent the night there was no way that I could miss it. I mean we hardly know eachother so its not asif were all pal pal but I can definately notice the difference in his attitude towards me,its not nasty or anything,he's just not talking to me which is kind of sad because after all I thought him of all people would know,luke is definately not my type. Having the boys here lately has been weird,I guess you could say that its a good weird . For a very long times its always just been me and dan , sometimes its just me but now its like 4 new people have just jumped into our lifes and its kind of taking a lot to get use to . I've always been someone to sleep in late , mainly because I spend half the night up but this morning was a completely different story,for some reason my body decided that it wanted me up and that was it,I couldent get back to sleep. After another 20minutes of attempting to go back to sleep, I fiqured that it wasent my lucky day and I might aswell go downstairs even thought its early so everyones probably asleep..oh boy was I wrong.

"Morning" michael mumbled in a husky sleep voice , completely ignoring him my eyes explore the fact that michael clifford was standing in my kitchen in just his boxers with extremely messy bed hair ,now this is something I am not use to but I'm not saying that I couldent get use to it. Noticing my staring michael let's out a laugh and runs a hand through his hair.

"Sorry ill get dress in a second" he added, snapping me out of my thoughts making me realise that maybe its not a good idea that I find my brothers friend hot but then again,since when I ever listen to half of the things I warn my self about.

"No no its fine,I just came down for a drink,what are you doing up?" I say opening the fridge slightly embarrassed about the whole staring incident

"I was just about to ask you the same question" michael replies leaning against the counter .

"Couldent sleep I guess" I say with a slight shrug before turning to face him.

"Me too,my back is killing from that sofa" Michael moaned making me let out a little laugh

"Yeh I'm sorry about that,we call it the backbreaker" I confess with pure amusment

"Now you tell me" he groans but still let's out a laugh

"Your going to have a really bad back today" I say with a tiny bit of guilt which doesent stop me from laughing at him ofcourse

"Hey,that's why I've got you to make me better" michael replies with a wink,

"Oh you wish" I reply laughing poking him in the side where it tickles

"Babeeee don't doo that" michael begs after jumping half way across the kitchen

Well I think its safe to say,I think I'm falling for michael clifford

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