Chapter 23 Suspicious

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Sophias POV

"So the lads are coming over today?" Dans says making me snap my head up almost instantly

"They are?" I ask trying to hide my smile

"Yeh for a few hours just to chill" he adds his eyes focusing on the tv

"Your not going to make me leave are you?" I ask receiving a laugh

"Ofcourse not,there's no point now" he answers

Realising that michael will be here soon I run up and try to find something to wear, I know that its risky michael coming here because all I want to do is cuddle him and feel his kiss again but we'd have to be sneaky as hell and I'm almost too sure that dan would find out.

After pulling out most of my clothes from my wardrobe I evenutally find an outfit, I know that I don't have to get all dressed up to impress him but I atleast want to look okay I guess. After throwing on some clothes I pick up my phone and bring up michaels number

To Michael;

You dident tell me you were coming today xx

So its safe to say I'm no longer falling for michael clifford, I've offically fallen,I've fallen very hard for him and I don't see me getting back up anytime soon because quite frankly I like the feeling, not just the feeling of liking someone but the feeling of someone actually liking me back.

From Michael;

Just found out babe ,on my way now xx

I read this and a smile forms on my face wanting a hug from the colourful unicorn

I wait patiently in my room for them to arrive, I can help but be skeptical about the whole sneaking around and not telling dan situation, I know that it has to happen if we want to carry on being the way we are but its frustrating and I hate lying to dan like this, we always tell eachother almost everything and he'd go mental If he found out I was going off behind his back.

I'm snapped out of my deep thoughts by loud running up the stairs,assuming its just dan I ignore it until my door swings open and michael walks in ,he quickly puts his finger to his lips as to say "shh" and walks over to me wrapping his arms around me

"Hello babe" he whispers pecking my lips softy leaving me with a smile on my face

"Hello " I reply pouting wanting another kiss which makes him laugh slightly but the moment gets ruined by dan shouting us to come down, I'm assuming michael either told him he was running up to say a quick hello or something.

I frown as michael removes his arms as we walk out my room and down the stairs , I walk straight into the front and sit down on the sofa .

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