Chapter 15 Don't Tell

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Sophias POV

I wouldent technically say anything is happening with me and michael clifford but I'd be lying if I said there wasent something there,they've been here for about 2 weeks and I can't help but notice the little things that he does like whenever I walk into a room,his head instantly turns and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who notices. Sometimes we have the odd flirt but it never turns into anything more and to him its probably just banter. Because they are going to be staying in england a lot longer then planned the boys have been arranged to stay in their own little house which means they will be leaving here and knowing dan,he probably won't let me go see them alone.

"I'm going to miss you a tiny bit" I confess to michael as he pulls me into a hug,his hair tickling my neck.

"Lies you'll miss me lots "he looks up with a smug look making me laugh slightly

"Maybe" I confess looking up at him not wanting to let go from his embrace which made me highly disapointed when he evenutally pulled away.

"Dan will see" michael whispered into my hear and I gave him a slight nod

"Ill walk you to the car" I say walking to the door

"Oh so one minute your begging me to stay and now you can't wait to get rid of me" michael mocks playfully putting his arm around my shoulder

I laugh and walk outside with him , realising that only ashton is outside yet I take the opportunity to grab one last hug from michael before he abandons me .

"Hey what's this for" michael chuckles as I hug his waist like he's a teddy bear

"I like your hugs and your leaving me" I joke,about the leaving me anyway,I do like his hugs though,he's very cuddly I must say.

"Soph I'm only going to be a 30minute drive away" michael jokes putting his arms around me finally joining in on the hug.

"You know dans not going to let me come see you" I laugh the truth

"But he doesent have to know" michael replys ,is michael is implying that I should sneak around to see him because part of me is like "no you can't do that,dan is your brother and he'd kill you" and the other part is like "just do it,its not asif you'd be doing anything,michaels not interested in you"

Before I get the chance to even reply the other lads run out with their bags,I hug the others and walk back to michael asif I hadent said my goodbyes yet

"Text me" michael whispers before getting into the car

"But wait I don't have your number"I reply trying to be quiet

"Check your phone" he replies giving me a slight wink

"You went through my phone to put your number in?" I laugh abit embarrassed of what he could of seen

"Not really..I mean all I know is you tell all your friends that I'm cute" he replies with a cheeky smile before the car drives off,why the hell don't I delete my texts

"I can't believe you went through my phone clifford" I type into the little text box before sending to michael,quickly panicking I look through my texts to see what he possibly could of seen and yeh it gets worse.

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