Chapter 14 Smile

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Sophias POV

I'm usually the most awkwardest person ever when it comes to being alone in a room with a boy on my own but strangely enough it all comes naturally being sat next to michael,its like I'm so use to it. All the other lads are out in the garden,I can't help but notice that michael seems to be spending a lot of time around me,whenever the guys say they are going out he always says that he can't be bothered but I don't mind,I like his company.

"So do you have a boyfriend" michael says breaking the silence making me snap my head up in pure confusion about his question.

"Why do you want to know?" I question with a awfully puzzled look on my face, because quite frankly ,why would he want to know.

"Just intruiged" he replies slightly tilting his head to the side

"No I don't" I confess,I'm not ashamed of being single,infact I've kind of gotten use to it.

"Oh I was so sure that you did" he replies running a hand threw his worn out hair

"Why's that?" I ask sitting up looking straight up at him

"Because I was so sure that there would be one lucky guy out there that would of snatched you away already" as he said this I could already tell that he instantly regretted it by the look on his face.

"Yeh I wish " I laughed, I mean ofcourse I'd like being single but seeing loads of couples around isent exactly fun for me .

I wait for michael to reply but he doesent,he simply just sits there and thinks .

"Well its a shame lukes your type" michael says crosses his arms

I can't help but laugh, I simply cannot believe that they all fell for luke, ofcourse luke is good looking but he's not my type,I'm afraid my type is the one who's going to be bald by the age of 25.

"You really believe that?" I ask trying to stop the laughter

"Its not true?" He asks letting out a sigh of relief

"No stupid its not true" I confess raising my eye brow .

" So tell me clifford,are you single? I mean with all sorts of dating rumours going around,I have no idea whether your single,married or even divorced" I laugh

"Oh imagine me divorced, that's why I'm losing my hair" he laughs "no I'm single" he adds looking straight at me.

"I'm surprised" I say being honest because I am surprised " you have all these girls after you and your still single" I add

"Hey I don't just go for any girl you know" michael mocks

"Oh I see" I reply with a slight laughter

Its becoming more and more clear that I probably don't have a chance with him but that won't stop my stupid heart falling deeper and deeper in a trance for michael clifford.

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